Saturday, April 18, 2009
Mia's Accomplishments
1. blow up a balloon
2. blow a bubble in her chewing gum
3. make a paper airplane
4. do a cartwheel
5. whistle (she's been working on this one for about 2 months)
She's also become great at swinging a baseball bat and hitting the pitched baseball. Also, she still hasn't lost any teeth but her two bottom ones are super wiggly! I think they maybe coming out together very, very soon. She's going on a two night field trip with school next week and I have a funny feeling that they may come out while she's away...
Stay tuned for pictures and videos of her doing the above 5 tasks...
A Great Easter Weekend

After we went downtown to pick up our lamb legs for Easter dinner from a great Turkish butcher who I think has the best beef and lamb in town. From there we went for a drink and light lunch at one of our favorite cafes at Szabadsag ter. All the kids got yummy milk shakes. Love the girls' similar faces in this photo below...

The girls were in disbelief. The show was really good. Not the best but very good. Curt and I were spoiled and saw a fantastic production of Mamma Mia in London when I was pregnant with Terence about 8 1/2 years ago and it was incredible! I have a feeling the traveling group isn't as fantastic as the real deal... But, the kids loved it. T even enjoyed it though he was pretending not to. The last 3 ABBA songs the entire audience stood, danced and sang along which the girls LOVED!
We were home by about 7pm and had a nice quiet Saturday evening in preparation for the Easter bunny's visit followed by a housefill of guests (we entertained 8 adults and about 11 kids) in the beautiful sunshine!
Friday, April 17, 2009
T's Flying Cap
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hanging from our tree is this sweet flower basket that was given to me by Erika, our nanny. Last year's was stolen by someone. In this country, anything outside of your property's fence / gate is sort of up for grabs! If we want to get rid of old bushes or furniture, we just lay it on the corner and watch. They usually get picked up within an hour! One guy picked up some old bushes (with roots in tact) by driving by, opening his door, leaning over, grabbing and pulling into his car without ever coming to a stop! We have to be careful and always tell the kids to bring in their bikes, scooters, etc or they'll get picked up...
Crazy Dancing Ali
This girl keeps us all entertained. Alexandra is now 3 years and 3 months old and she is absolutely a bundle of joy... Okay - she's not always a bundle of joy as she is definitely going through the terrible 3s (think they are harder than the 2s) stage where she will break down and have a horrible temper tantrum. She's testing the waters and trying to say 'no' when it's dinnertime or bedtime or something she may not be in the mood to do... Been there, done that - I know I will win these little battles but it's still exhausting when she tries it. Regardless, she is usually funny and full of love AND she loves to dance - and entertain. While I am fixing dinner in the evenings I love to play music. We all end up dancing... Even T, who is sort of a closet dancer like Curt, joins in on our fun. Ali likes her songs fast (like the one she's dancing to in the video below). If I try to play slower songs, she shouts "Louder!" and "I want to rock!" It's pretty funny.
Captured her in this short video clip a couple of nights ago. It brings tears to my eyes every time I see it. She is so funny. Check out her last move!!! Classic! Have no idea where she got this from... Definitely not from a family member... haha.
FYI - song is Glamorous by Fergie
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter
As usual, the Easter bunny came while the kids were still sleeping and hid plastic filled eggs and their baskets all over the garden. Mia was the first to wake up on Easter morning be she wasn't allowed to go hunting until T and Ali also woke up. T was the next to wake up and came running down the stairs with excitement. Not being able to wait any longer, they both went and woke little Ali up (she's still only half awake in this video of them starting out the door on their hunt). PS Excuse my pj, coffee-sipping appearance. I had just woken up...