As I mentioned below, Curt and I are off to Vienna today through Friday... More posts will follow this weekend. Have a great week everyone...
x o x o
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mia's Surprise Album
These are the photos that I put in Mia's little surprise album. She will find it tucked away in her suitcase when she gets to Szolnok (where her class is going on a 2 night field trip). For more details read my below post which I wrote earlier this morning.

I also drew her some pictures and tucked them into the pages. One of my pictures was of her and I holding hands with flowers all around us. We are standing next to a tree with an owl sitting on one of the branches (like the owl living in our birch tree in our backyard). I drew her this kind of picture as she's always drawing these kinds of pictures for me. Her specialty is of her and I holding hands. She always writes MamaMia on them.
Bon Voyage to Emilia
Booooo hooooo ....
Mia left this morning on a 2 night sleep over school trip. The school is taking her 2 Kindgergarten grades (Grand Section) to Szolnok to join the 1st grade (C.P.) classes who have already been there for 2 nights. It was an emotional morning (mostly for me) saying good-bye. Terence and Curt came with me to wish her a bon voyage along with many of the other parents and siblings of the other voyagers. Ali left for her nursery school the same time as we left for school to meet the bus as I thought it would be hard for her to see Mia leaving. On top of losing Mia for 2 nights, she's also losing me and Curt as we are leaving for my relocation conference in Vienna in a couple of hours.

Holding hands with her great friend, Emma (who is moving to Bourdeux on Friday evening!) Emma and Mia will be in the same room with their other two great friends, Olivia and Rebeka.
There she is in the 2nd to last row window. I had my shades on so the tears were less obvious. Mia didn't cry but about 5 of the 50 (give or take a few) children cried.

BYE MIA - we'll miss you!!!
PS I put together a little photo album and tucked it in her suitcase for her to discover when she unpacks. I'll post the photos that I included in a 2nd post...
Monday, April 20, 2009
T's Teeth
Terence is now 8 years old and has about 8 adult teeth that are already grown in (+ his 4 adult back molars) . His top teeth, luckily, are growing in quite nicely. However, his bottom teeth are sort of looking like the mouth of a shark with rows of teeth. He especially has one tooth that is growing inwards as it has no room to go anywhere else. Fortunately, we took action early enough. With the help of a great English speaking dentist, he referred us to his colleague (in the same location), Dr. Dora who is an orthodontist. After viewing his teeth she gave us the solution of an inner wire on his bottom teeth that are attached by fitting around his back 2 adult molars. The wire will then be tightened once every month or so until his teeth fit in properly. This will also help his future adult teeth and hopefully prevent the need for any major braces, but who knows... One step at a time.
For those of you that are absolutely curious about how this went.... well, you are in luck. I took videos!!! The orthodontist speaks perfect English but speaks to T in Hungarian as he speaks Hungarian perfectly so it works out. She then, however, speaks English to me (even though I understand a lot of the Hungarian too).

For those of you that are absolutely curious about how this went.... well, you are in luck. I took videos!!! The orthodontist speaks perfect English but speaks to T in Hungarian as he speaks Hungarian perfectly so it works out. She then, however, speaks English to me (even though I understand a lot of the Hungarian too).

Showing off his new wire (above) and trying to get used to speaking with the new piece of metal inside his mouth. PS He has his bank card in his hand (he's such a big boy!)
Thanks Siza
My Baby is Growing Up!
This is Ali just this morning waiting by the door for her nursery school bus to pull up to the front door. What a service! Marcsi, the owner of the school, drives the bus and Ali is the first to get picked up around 8am. Marcsi is always full of energy and so happy when she arrives. She loves Ali and considers her family as Ali often spends the night over at Marcsi's with Marcsi's 22 year old daughter, Brigi. Brigi has been helping me with Ali since Ali was just 2 months old. Brigi has been Ali's teacher at nursery school for 2 straight years and they have both grown very close to each other.
I had to snap this photo this morning when I looked down and didn't see my baby girl anymore. What a big girl!!!

Yet, times like yesterday when I took her out of the bath and put her on my bed to dry off, reminded me that she still has her baby-like moments. She was so tired that she dozed off right away before I could even put on her pajamas...
I had to snap this photo this morning when I looked down and didn't see my baby girl anymore. What a big girl!!!

Yet, times like yesterday when I took her out of the bath and put her on my bed to dry off, reminded me that she still has her baby-like moments. She was so tired that she dozed off right away before I could even put on her pajamas...

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Great Weekend Outdoors
We had a great family weekend. In the past, Curt and I have always been overwhelmed with activities (ie Friday and / or Saturday nights out, bbqs, dinners, etc) but this weekend we had a quiet family weekend which was just what the doctor ordered!
After the kids finished their Saturday morning dance and soccer (and a b-day party for Mia), Curt spent the afternoon with them in the field flying a kite. It was a great day with great wind but the wind direction kept changing making it a bit of a challenge to keep the kite up in the air. Regardless, they all took part and had lots of fun.

Ali working on blowing up a balloon. Ever since Mia learned, Ali's been trying constantly with no success...

Our Bernese Mountain dogs, Greta and Kiraly, are far less active (and much older) than Blue, our Border Collie (in the first photo).
We also had lots of Dune Buggy fun!! See photos below:

After the kids finished their Saturday morning dance and soccer (and a b-day party for Mia), Curt spent the afternoon with them in the field flying a kite. It was a great day with great wind but the wind direction kept changing making it a bit of a challenge to keep the kite up in the air. Regardless, they all took part and had lots of fun.

Ali working on blowing up a balloon. Ever since Mia learned, Ali's been trying constantly with no success...

Our Bernese Mountain dogs, Greta and Kiraly, are far less active (and much older) than Blue, our Border Collie (in the first photo).
We also had lots of Dune Buggy fun!! See photos below:

Heading out to the top of the hill across the street for more kite flying fun.
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