Saturday, December 15, 2007

24 Hours of Bliss

Curt and I had a very special 24 hours. One of our clients, the Four Seasons, who we do a very good job of looking after gave us a Deluxe Double Danube River view room for almost nothing for one night. Friday night was our company Christmas party and Wednesday was our 7th year wedding anniversary. We stayed home on Wed and enjoyed a night at the Four Seasons after our X-mas party as part of our anniversary celebration. The kids stayed home with our nanny and we had a wonderful evening walking around the Vorosmarty Christmas market.

It was the first time we've ever stayed at a Four Seasons and it was just beautiful!!

The Four Seasons lobby

This is the view from our balcony last night

We woke up this morning to find snow

Curt and I on the balcony
Down at the market (just 2 blocks from the hotel) buying Kortos Kalacs (hot funnel cakes)

It's quite a set up that they have. Of course, the men handle the fire and the woman rolls out the fresh dough.

Opera House Budapest

I realized that I didn't include any photos of the Opera House. These are not my own but I found them on the Internet. What a beautiful building!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Nutcracker

We went to the Operahaz to see the Nutracker last night

Our front row seats

Mia with Bailey

Mikey and Riley

Nena and Evy

Andrassy was so beautiful and lit up with Christmas lights on all the trees.

Terence's Football Tournament

Forgot to upload the photos from Terence's football tournament on Sat, Dec 8th. He was one of 4 French teams. Their teams played the American and British teams. Terence's team sadly came in 4th (out of 4) place, however, Terence seems to believe he heard 1st place. Here are photos.

After getting his medal. Him with some of his buddies / teammates
With his Belgian buddy, Arnaud
I think he's trying to see if it's real gold or fake

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tallest Building Trivia

Had to scan this postcard before it disappeared somewhere in our household. When Curt and I were recently in NY we called home to talk with the kids. Terence asked us about the Empire State Building. I asked him how he knew what the Empire State Building was and he replied that it was one of the tallest buildings in the world and he couldn't remember where he learned it. How this kid gets his information is sometimes beyond me...

He was very happy when we brought home this postcard for him from NY. (Coincidentally he had a a King Kong cake for his 5th birthday so we thought he'd get a kick out of this postcard). When we handed it to him he thought it was cool but told me that he knew it was fake and someone designed it on a computer. :-)

Anyhow, he's on a tallest buildings kick and every day he asks us a question in relation to it. Yesterday, he asked me if I thought the Empire State Building was taller than the tallest church in the world. And, what was the tallest church in the world and where was it. All I have to say is that I am glad I am raising kids in the era of the Internet! Answers are just a click away!

Yesterday I guessed that the tallest church was probably St Peter's in Rome. I told him that I thought the Empire State Building was probably taller. He pondered this for a moment and then replied with his own thoughts. He said, "Mom (he's calling me 'Mama' a lot less), I think you are right but maybe St Peter's is larger in width and size but the Empire State Building is taller".

I haven't had a chance to look up the size of St Peter's or if it is even the largest church in the world but I did get a chance to look up the tallest building in the world. Any guesses???

I discovered that the tallest building in the world is the Burj in Dubai at 160 stories. Well, it's actually not completed yet but has been in the building stages for a couple of years. It's expected to be finished in 2009. They still don't know the exact height as it is undetermined. I think they are waiting for Russia to finish their Tower of Russia first and then they'll top it by a few meters!

The tallest existing building at the moment is in Taipei, Taiwan and it called the Taipei 101 Tower. Can you guess how many stories it is? 101! It is 509 meters or 1,670 feet tall. I found this picture for any of you, other than Terence, who maybe interested.

Even though there always seems to be speculation on which building is the tallest and the actual height of these buildings, I now believe that the Empire State Building is about the 8th tallest building in the world. It was the 3rd tallest in the US before the World Trade Center was attacked and now it is the 2nd after the Sears Tower.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bowling Videos

Here are some cute videos demonstrating Terence and Mia's bowling skills.

Sunday Bowling

Today we took our 3 kids plus Liam McGann to the Mammutt's bowling alley. It was a great afternoon and all the kids had fun. Curt and I also enjoyed it and bowled ourselves, however, the kids stole our turns a few times ;-) We also had lunch at the bowling alley. They serve all kinds of food and we had a couple good salads and some pizzas.

Ali thinks it's so fun when we take our own photo and then look at the photo on the camera.

I will include some videos in my next post.

Rugby Ball on Dec 8th

Last night we had the Rugby Ball at the Marriott Hotel. It's a ball that is organized by the Rugby Exile group. Curt was going to be my date but about 2 hours before we were to leave Ali woke from her nap with a fever of 105 F! She was delirious and so were we. Actually, Curt was home alone with her as I was at the movies watching the Bee Movie with Terence and Mia. We decided to cancel the sitter and he'd stay home to keep an eye on her. After a cool bath, cold compresses and some medicine, her fever went down and she was okay afterwards. Today Ali is doing okay. She's napping now so the test will be how she feels when she wakes up. Keep your fingers crossed. I missed Curt but still had a good time last night with lots of friends and people from the Move One team.
Me with friends Faith and Kim

Girls from the office: Camilla, Kasia, Renata and Eszter
Boys from the office: Ian, Erik, Jay and Carl
Kabiru (from Move One) and his wife Yusira. They just had a baby boy 2 weeks ago! Kabiru jr. was at home with her mom, aunt and grandmother who were all visiting from Nigeria.
Our table: Spencer, Jon and Dan (all Brits)
Deana and her sister, Michele, were also at our table (with Faith and Kim)
Jay and his girlfriend, Aasta
One of the drag queens who was part of the entertainment