Saturday, June 20, 2009

Two Fun Videos

Just a glimpse at some fun to come. Terence and Mia were in the same end of year French school olympics day. They do it every year yet this was Mia's first year as they never offered it to the younger grades. This was T's 3rd year at Olympics.

They had three grades together so Mia was the youngest group and T was the oldest group. They mixed the teams (I think there were about 8 total) with kids from all three classes so they were somewhat even. I absolutely loved the tug-of-war competition. It's always been one of my favorite activities to watch or participate in... I just loved watching them and can watch these videos of them over and over again. I'm posting these first and will post the rest of the fantastic photos and videos sometime in the very near future (this is the 'fun to come' part).

The first one is Mia's group who gave it a great effort but ended up losing after a tough struggle. She's in the blue jumper in the middle.

Here is T's group. He was in the front and you can tell he tried really hard. You can hear all the parents cheering them on and shouting 'Allez' in French. This means 'Go!' or 'let's go'. The French women that I play tennis with usually say 'allez' when we are starting a new game to pump themselves up...

The great thing was that several moms came up to me to compliment me on T's strength, coordination and athleticism. For those of you that know him know that he's never been a really strong or coordinated athlete despite having two athletic parents. However, I'm starting to see him slowly improving and developing. This makes me very happy...

His hands were burning after that long tug!

Sunday in Somlo

Last weekend we went back to our favorite little get away: Sue and Peter's vineyard in Somlo. We went up with our long time friends, the McGanns, who are back in town from Tampa, FL.
I am starting backwards... On Sunday we went to Veronika's first communion party. As there was a big crowd of us, we opted to skip the early morning church part and instead join them for lunch and the after party celebration. Veronika is the daughter of Laci and Rita who have now become great friends. Their family of 4 (Veronika has an older brother) live in Somlo and take care of the Tatrallyay's and the Neider's (and a few other's) vinyards. They are one of the loveliest families around! Here is our joyful Sunday with them.

The above shots are of the girls (Ali and Mia with their BFF, Keira) all ready to go and the adults, below, all dressed up for the party.

Below is Veronika - neither she or any of her family members speak English so it's great practice for us and the kids.

Food and drinks. Above is Curt with Peter and in the back is Bill and Laci (back right). Below T is with his buddy Liam (10 yrs old) enjoying all the delicious home made Hungarian foods.

Lovely Rita must have cooked for a week. My favorite was her walnut cake (top left). The top right is Rita with me and Kerry.
Curt is always so good at playing with the kids. He played 2-on-2 kick ball with Terence, Liam and Riley (12 1/2 yrs old and in the red above between Curt and T).
A typical well in a Hungarian home's garden. Above right is Peter and Sue.
THEN, Laci pulled out Old Betty. This is what I nicknamed the big red tractor that everyone had a turn riding. The funny part was that instead of just letting everyone have a ride, he set up obstacle courses for each driver to go forward through and then reverse through. The kids did it in 1st gear but the adults had to do it in FULL speed. Very funny for all of us...
T went first and did a great job.

Mia also rocked it and handled it much better than I would have thought. However, the video of her is not working for some reason but I do have the below still shot.

Then, it was Curt's turn. Peter was running to close the gate as Bill drove it prior to Curt and ran into it several times as he couldn't figure out the brake (was required with the clutch). Peter didn't want anyone else making the same mistake. The gate withstood the Old Betty but his car probably wouldn't have... PS Curt managed to avoid hitting the gate...

I love taking our kids up there for old-fashioned fun. No video games, TV, electronics. It was another fantastic weekend in the beautiful Hungarian countryside.