Saturday, March 1, 2008

Good Ole Friends

Yesterday I had a terrible stomach flu. We had to go home from our friends' dinner party early as I just wasn't well. Had to cancel my Saturday night plans with my very dear friend, Kerry, plus 6 other friends. Felt terrible having to cancel as I knew she planned this very fun girls night out ages ago. After I sent the text message she called me. She listened to my ailments and then told me that she was so bummed. Not only was I missing another Saturday GNO but she had planned for a surprise birthday cake, bottle of Veuve Clicquot (my favorite that she had to specially bring with her as the restaurant that we were going to didn't serve) and presents to be there waiting for me. Ugh! Bad timing! What a thoughtful friend she is! I'm so lucky.

My sweet, sweet hubby took Terence and Mia (along with Ali) to their Saturday morning activities. Mia had dance and Terence football. He even had to pick up 2 of Terence's buddies to take to football. What a man! I slept the morning away and was happy to hear their voices and footsteps return at noon. He made a giant fire and played Monopoly with Terence while the girls napped and I catnapped on the sofa next to the roaring fire. We had horrible hail, wind and rain storms all afternoon yesterday so it was the perfect day to be home as a family. It was the best medicine for me.

In the afternoon, our dear friends came to visit. After moving to Moscow (from Budapest) 1 1/2 years ago, Budapest just hasn't been the same. I was sleeping (again) when they arrived but fortunately woke for a short visit to see how much the 4 Fekete kids have grown! And how much Imola has shrunk! They all look amazing. However, Mia wouldn't stop talking all night about how 'handsome Sean is these days'. How can she be so boy crazy at only 5 years of age?! We are doomed! John and Imola - we must keep an eye on this one!

All the girls. Ali, Sophie, Sara, Mia and Sonia (Mia, Sonia and Keira were always BFFs in Budapest)

The boys (and Blue) in the basement being secretive

And a few more photos:

Ali the Mommy

This isn't the best photo of Ali but when she's playing mommy and taking care of her babies (she calls them 'babas') she moves fast. They seem to be needy babies and always falling down (aka 'boom') and going 'night night' and asking for a book (she can say book clearly). Here she was telling me that her 'baba poo poo'. So she was putting her on a pillow to change her. She goes into our room where we stock the nappies and actually puts them on her babies. Of course, they are way too big and fall off them. Maybe I should get her a pack of preemie nappies. I'll put it on my to-do list.

My absolute favorite is what she just started doing while recently on our ski trip. She takes her baby, tries to swaddle them in a blanket (a cloth napkin works the best for this - she took many up to our room after dinner in the hotel restaurant) and sits them on her lap while reading them a book. She doesn't use any real words when 'reading' just lots of jibber jabber (is that even a word? Evy would know...) But, she speaks quickly and makes a sound every couple of seconds that sounds sort of like an 'and'. It's almost like 'blah, blah, blah' breathe 'and, blah, blah, blah, blah' breathe, etc. It's so funny but I have to hide my laughing or else she gets embarrassed and stops doing it. I hope to get it on video soon to share with all of you as it is absolutely precious!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Terence's French Poem

First Grade at the French Lycee de Budapest is not very easy. Terence's homework assignment over the 1 1/2 week break (which they call ski break) was to learn to spell out in cursive / script / handwriting numbers 0 - 9; 20 - 69. Other numbers follow a different rule and that is why they are left out. He also needed to learn the months of the year, days of the week and spell all. There were about 20 words that he needed learn to spell upon hearing them (ie de, des, qui, que, le, les, etc). Lastly, he had to memorize this poem and recite it in front of the entire class. How scary! He said he screwed up a bit but think it was more a stage fright rather than forgetting. Here he is saying it perfectly. Or at least it sounds perfect to my ears.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


When Curt and I weren't skiing we were taking long hikes with Ali. The hotel had these great strollers that we could borrow. They had big fat mountain bike-like tires on them that could take us through the snow and mud. She usually fell fast asleep in the clean mountain air.

On our 2nd day we discovered the best restaurant where we sat outdoor in the sun eating our lunch.

Here's the restaurant / pension Ederstub'n from the west (uphill)

And, from the other side.

They had the best cold Weisbeirs! Ali liked their onion soup and french fries. Once we ordered this antipasto platter and it came with a shot of schnapps and huge long peppers.

They also had a little playground, goats, bunnies, horses, cats, dogs... it was sort of like being back home ;-) but without all the responsibility. haha

In the snow we had trouble figuring out which path to take. There were 3 but hard to recognize which was for the horse drawn carriages, cross country skiers or walkers.

We loved watching this brown and white border collie (our dog Blue is a black and white) running back and forth with the horses all day long.

Heading to Ski School

Ali had to say good-bye to Terence and Mia every day at 10am when they went to ski school. The first couple of days they had private instructors: Petra and Lucas. Then, they were combined into one class with Lucas (who Mia thought was 'handsome. But don't tell him because I am shy.')

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We Are Back

We just returned today from our fabulous trip to the Schladming-Dachstein, Austria ski area. I think the trip was around 250 km from Budapest. With 3 kids in the car the ride was about 6 hours door to door (take into account food and WC stops).

Terence and Mia attended several days of ski school while Curt and I enjoyed Ali's company. We tried leaving her a few times in the nursery but she wanted nothing to do with it. I don't blame her actually. Instead we borrowed the hotel's buggy (with 4 huge mountain bike-like tires for the trails and snow) and took Ali on long 3 - 4 km hikes followed by weissbiers and great lunches in the sunshine. The weather was incredible and she had great deep naps out in the clean air and sunshine! Every day we had lunch in t-shirts!

The last 2 days we skied with the kids and enjoyed a horse and carriage ride around the entire region. Terence and Mia are getting great on skies! It's so fun to watch their confidence grow and how they are now both seeking out jumps and 'secret passage ways'.

We decided to keep Ali off of skies even though there were lots of maniac parents putting their 2 year olds on skies and into ski school. Next year we will enroll her in a fun ski school for sure. The one out in this area was great. They don't just spend the day with the 2 and 3 year olds focusing on skiing but it's a combination of skiing and playing out in the snow. A great kids' program which I will include more about when I post the photos (probably tomorrow).