Friday, August 8, 2008

Wind in the Hair

I just love this shot of Ali on the beach one evening.

Beach Photos on Kiawah Island

Our Kiawah Island trip is coming to an end and we are all so bummed. However, 3 weeks at the beach filled with loved ones visiting the entire time has been wonderful and fulfilling.

Just wanted to share a few photos with you from our favorite beach. I'm just procrastinating from packing. The big dreaded moment after spreading out all over this house for the last 3 weeks.

I can't believe I got all 3 to sit still for a few snaps.

I love this one below. They were all relaxing and laying down until a small wave came and rolled over them.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ali's Developments

I really have to find a way to get some conversations with Ali on video. She is incredible and developing so quickly! Since being in the UK and now the US for almost 6 weeks, her English has progressed rapidly. She is now very communicative and puts together sentences and is much happier as she is usually able to express herself to all of us. She's still shy (especially if a stranger strikes up a conversation and asks something like, 'what's your name?' or 'how old are you?') but that doesn't bother me. I'd much rather have a shy kid than one that is too chatty as I'd be afraid that she'd just go off with anyone. I love how Ali runs over to me, grabs my leg and often buries her face into me if someone even looks at her for too long!

As of this week, she has officially entered the WHY stage. I was not prepared and thought this was more in the age 3 category but c'est la vie. The 'why' questions are endless! I can't say anything to get her to stop with the 'why' follow up but that's okay. We'll survive.

As of this week, she's also officially dropped one of her most popular words: 'Hol?' This means 'where' in Hungarian and she used to (it still slips in occasionally) use it at the start of every question whether it was 'where', 'how' or 'when'. Today I just heard her say, "Where are the boats?" instead of "Hol a boats?" like she was saying last week. 5 weeks ago she was saying the entire sentence in Hungarian... It's going to take her a couple of weeks to get her mind back into Hungarian but I'm not worried at all. She'll return to Hungarian nursery school shortly after our return.

Her sentences are now up to about 6 or 7 words so we are really enjoying this time. Sometimes the words are in a different order but she always makes sense. And, we have proof that it's not just us understanding as we've had lots of friends and family (about 27 total) visiting us here at the beach and they all seem to understand her too. It's really fun to listen to her and we are always amazed when she says words that we didn't even know she was familiar with like 'helicopter' - however, she did call it a 'helicopter airplane' which was funny!

More about Ali's developments and the others soon. Must run and figure out dinner and finish a bit more online shopping.

Pucker Up

Ali was trying to give me a kiss and had to capture her puckering up. After she puckered, I asked Terence and Mia to do the same for the camera. Terence had trouble doing it while glued to SpongeBob on the TV. He couldn't even peel his eyes away but tried to do a 1/2 puck so I'd move on to something else. Then, there's Mia who is usually very happy to be photographed and also cooperative (as you can see below).

We are still on Kiawah Island but leaving in 3 days (boo hoo). Still have to post pool and beach photos! I've taken a million so it is hard to decide which to share.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Great Night Out

9 of us went out for an amazing dinner at our friends' country club on Kiawah Island. Agnes and Dennis belong to this great club and the restaurant there is one of my favorite in the world. It's called Cassique and one of my favorite chef has designed the menu and trained the team. Unfortunately, I have yet to be there when he's been there. For those of you that aren't obsessed with cooking magazines and methods then you may not know Tom Colicchio who not only owns the incredible Craft restaurants but he's also one of the judges on my favorite show, Top Chef.

Anyhow, all this aside, it's still a lovely restaurant in an incredible building on a fantastic golf course / setting. Here are fotos of our group last night having cocktails on the terrace before dinner.

And, some close ups.

My brother, Attila, and his wife, Shirley on the left. Me and Curt (very close up!)

Agnes and Dennis (it's Agnes' b-day today so we had a small celebration tonight and we'll follow up with a bbq tonight) on the left. Katrina and Tim (Curt's uncle) on the right.