Saturday, April 12, 2008

We are off to Disneyland Paris... 2 hours and 15 minutes! Ali is awake but at 7:17am on Sunday morning Terence, Mia and Curt are sleeping in. After I log off, I'll finish up packing and get breakfast ready. Our taxi will be here to take us to the airport at 9:30am. Our flight is direct and just over 2 hours long. Yeah!!!

Happy Birthday Sue

4 of us sans kids went up to Somlo to visit our friends Sue and Peter on Friday night. April 12th was Sue's birthday so it was a celebration. The weather on Friday was especially fantastic as we sat outside for drinks and appetizers then moved inside when our barbequed leg of lamb, scalloped potatoes and Caeser salad were ready to devour. It was a perfect night followed by sleeping in on Saturday morning and a long hike around Somlo mountain. We were home in Budapest by 4pm.
Here are a few fotos of Sue and Peter's beautiful home in Somlo.
Curt drove and Blue came along with us for the night.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Long Hair

Believe it or not, we have never cut Ali's hair. She turned 2 years old in January. She still has that really soft, baby hair. I love it but think it is getting a little too long.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Funky Bike

We keep a lot of our summer toys and furniture stored in our warehouse for the winter. So, when it all gets returned in the early spring (a.k.a. a few days ago), the kids get excited to see their toys again. Often, it's like getting new toys. Especially this bike that Terence received for his 3rd or 4th birthday. We bought it off not really thinking he'd be far too small to ride it. It's return earlier this week was a very special surprise for Terence as he is finally big enough to ride it and coordinated enough to control it. He's been enjoying it every day in the beautiful warm spring weather we've been having...

Here he is riding with Ali. The two of them spend a lot of time together playing games. I've noticed she goes to Terence when she feels like being active, wrestling, etc. and she goes to Mia when she feels like playing girlie games like dolls, house, etc.

Paris of Eastern Europe

Budapest is really just this! This has always been the comparison and today when Mia and I were downtown and playing in this park I felt like we really were in Paris! I've always thought this was one of the most beautiful, well-kept playgrounds in the city. We always visit it whenever I visit my favorite Turkish butcher on Magyar utca. He has the best lamb in town...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just a Few Notes

Had to jot these down to remember.

Last night I was doing sit ups while the kids were watching the movie, Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (I think this is the name. It's a funny movie in which Steve Martin plays a dad who is married with 12 kids). Ali must have thought I was trying to hold my head up so I could see the TV. Suddenly, she stuffed a pillow under my head while I was going up on a crunch. I came down on it and thought it was so sweet of her to be concerned about me.

Recently she has also learned how to push the stepping stool in our kitchen (always have one open for the kids to step on and help with cooking) up to the fridge / freezer. We have an American GE Profile which has an ice / water dispenser on the freezer door. She has figured out how to get herself a drink and does so often. The other night she brought all of us a drink of water. She's so overly careful about spilling that she now just fills the glasses up about 1/8th of the way. It's funny when you get a big (plastic) cup with about 2 sips of water only. Of course we all are very appreciative and say, "thank you Ali!"

On another note, today Terence had a big brother talk with Mia. I don't think he knew I was listening. It was really funny to hear him talking all grown up to her. He said to her, "Mia, I think there are 2 issues that you need to work on. 1. Cumi-ing (this is a Hungarian slang word for thumb sucking or a pacifier. it's pronounced 'tsoomi'. Mia still sucks her thumb *). and 2. Kissing Boys." He proceeded with, "Mia, I think you are addicted to both and you really need to stop as you are too old for cumi-ing and too young for kissing boys. I don't even kiss girls yet and I am 7." It was really adorable. I especially thought it was funny that he used the word 'addicted' as I just recently explained what this word meant. I thought he did well by using it in context...

* Note to Aunt Sally about Mia's cumi-ing. Terence and Mia both remember the deal that was made at the beach last summer. Mia and Aunt Sally made a deal that Mia would quit cumi-ing when Aunt Sally quit smoking. She and Terence are hoping that Aunt Sally makes it to the beach again this summer to see who won the deal!! hint, hint, nudge, nudge...

Kids are very excited that today was their last day of school for 1 1/2 weeks as they are on spring break!! 4 days until we leave for Disney Paris!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

More Sunday Fun - roasting 'mellows

After our guests left, we pulled our chairs around the fire pit and pulled out the Marshmellows. The kids love roasting marshmellows over an open fire. Who doesn't?!

The pictures below speak for themselves.

Boys on Stage

These clowns are too funny. Their dream is to be in a band one day - probably a very common dream for boys. Anyhow, this is their first attempt at a concert... Love it! The song probably comes from me as I have a lot of d.i.s.c.o. on my iPod!

Notice Terence's pockets inside out and hanging out of his pants... Also, he was very proud of being able to land into the splits on the trampoline. Don't think Curt got a chance to see this...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

California Girl

The temp was great around mid-day today. The kids stripped off their jackets and Mia - in her true California Girl style - stripped off her shoes AND socks! She is definitely hot blooded and even dislikes sleeping under blankets at night - even in winter.

So here she was at the playground today surrounded by all the Magyar (Hungarian) kids dressed in their winter gear. Including hats! It was 20 degrees C. This is about 70 degrees F. What on earth. However, we were on their turf and they gawked and sulked and stared at our troops enjoying the warm sunshine!

Curt made me capture a few photos of the little Hungarian kids all dressed up as if it were winter and snowing. Poor little things must have been burning up...

I still have many, many more snaps from today. After the playground we came home and had friends over for a bbq.... The photos and videos are fun! Must run now and get ready for tomorrow. Need to go check on my babies and stare at them for a while in their deep slumber (there is nothing more beautiful). Then, it is bedtime as I am beat (also had a huge dinner party for 10 on Friday so it's been busy...) Will post the rest of today's fun sometime tomorrow.

x o x o

Ali and Dada Bonding

After breakfast we walked over to one of our favorite Pest side playgrounds at Szabadsag ter. Ali and Dada did a lot of bonding.

She was very happy to have her 'moto' (what we call it. She calls it her 'vroom-vroom') except it didn't work very well in the sand.

A Fantastic Sunday

We've had the best Sunday ever! We started off in the car listening to some of our favorite tunes while heading downtown for a big breakfast of waffles, eggs, bagels, pancakes, bacon, fresh fruit... the works. Here's a glimpse of the beginning of our journey:

This is Terence's all time favorite song currently!

More of our fun day's clips and fotos coming soon....