Saturday, September 4, 2010

We are in Dubai

Well, we have relocated. We arrived to Dubai on Thursday, Sept 2nd. It's day 2 in Dubai and I have 2 amazingly restful nights after 1 week of insomnia due to lists, packing and lots of responsibilities and very little free time. So, here we are! In Dubai!

Yesterday evening after our last afternoon swim, Ali asked me, "ma, how long will we stay in Dubai this time?" I smiled and thought carefully about how I'd answer her. Then, I figured I wouldn't sugar coat it so I answered, "Forever!" She smiled and shrieked "YEAH!" I guess that's a good reaction. I hope the novelty doesn't wear off too quickly. She maybe changing her tune after school starts (on September 15th).

So far, you can check out what I've written by clicking on my other blog here. I'll try maintaining both as best I can but until I manage to juggle my time a bit better, you'll have to make do with what I offer. All the best from the Clements family in Dubai, UAE!