Saturday, May 31, 2008

Back from Paris

Had an incredible trip to Paris, France for 3 nights with Terence, my friend Kerry and her 9 year old son (T's great friend), Liam. We were on an earlier flight than Kerry and Liam going over to Paris on Wednesday morning. We arrived at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris and jumped on the train (EUR16.40 for the two of us) that took us to Chatelet Les Halles metro stop. From there we changed to the yellow / number 1 line 4 stops where we got off at Concorde near our hotel.
Paris metro map (looks confusing but it's great). 3 day travel passes were extremely affordable. Somewhere around USD 40 for the both of us for 3 days of unlimited traveling.
Terence and I made a great travel team together and made it in minimal time. When we came up from the metro at Concorde we turned our heads and guess what we saw? The Eiffel Tower! Terence gave out a type of shriek and his whole body sort of shivered with excitement. This first picture is from approximtely 2 minutes after we first saw the Eiffel Tower - just above the Concorde metro stop and about 3 blocks from our hotel.

When we got to our hotel (it was about noon), our room was still not ready. Terence and I decided to venture out. I asked our concierge if there was a Laduree bakery nearby. Lucky for us there was! Curt and I first fell upon Laduree when were in Paris 7 years ago. If you are ever near one, you must try their macaroons! Everything in this shop is incredibly delicious but their macaroons are very like nothing else I have eaten. The Laduree near our hotel was on the rue Royale (only about 4 short blocks away). We just took away some treats and headed over to a park bench in Espace Pierre Cardin (a park at the beginning of the Avenue des Champs-Elysees).

Terence and I enjoyed the beautiful sunshine while watching the people walk by. Suddenly, I spotted a kiosk in the park with the word 'CREPE' on the side. Terence only talked about eating crepes while in Paris and there was a stand calling out to us. So, I pointed it out to him and asked him if he could read what it said. He sounded it out then shouted 'CREPE'! I asked him if he'd like to go and get one by himself if I gave him money. He said yes without hesitation. I watched him go over and noticed he was there for a while. I didn't know if he was having trouble communicating or if he was just being shy or if it was just taking a while to make the crepe. I video taped him coming back.

It turns out the lady was really friendly and was telling him that he spoke great French and asked him his age and where he was from. He told me that he had to tell her America as he couldn't think of how to say Hungary in French. The crepe cost 2EUR. Throughout our 3 day trip, he ate many crepes (average about 3 per day) and the most expensive crepe was 4.30 EUR (the price for sitting down) and the cheapest was only 1.50EUR near the Sacre Coeur (this made T excited as it was also freshly made on the spot).

From the park we walked across the Champs-Elysees. This first photo is of us standing on it with the Arc de Triomphe in the distance. We were just so excited! It was wonderful to see Paris through Terence's eyes.

This last photo is T walking across the Champs-Elysees. We were walking over to the Jardin des Tuileries next to the Louvre.
I have 100s more photos that I took and will sort through the rest tomorrow.
It feels great to be home and with Curt, Mia and Ali again. Terence couldn't stop talking about the trip all evening. He was just flying high from the experience.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bon Voyage

We are off to Paris, France for 3 nights. Just Terence and I with our friends (Kerry and her 9 year old son, Liam). Kerry has been promising Liam a trip to Paris ever since she went alone with Liam's big brother, Riley, about 4 years ago. We decided it would be the most fun for the 4 of us to go together as Terence has been asking to see Paris (he was only 5 months when he was there with us in August 2001) for about a year now. He's interested in visiting all the landmarks he has been learning about in school (Lycee de Francais). It'll be interesting to hear him practice speaking as well. The Eiffel Tower will be the first place we go. We have many other sites to see. He has lots of museums on his list (I think his teacher gave him the list)...

The girls are sleeping over at Brigi's tomorrow night but Curt will have them on Thursday and Friday nights and all day Saturday. We will return Saturday around 8pm on a direct flight on Air France (let's hope they don't go on strike).

The kids are back to school on Monday / Lundi.

More Grape Barrel Fun

The kids all take turns getting tumbled in the 250 liter barrel.

Grape Barrel

The kids all love playing with Sue and Peter's grape barrel (for stomping the grapes) when we are in Somlo. It's amazing how much entertainment it can provide. One of the best things about going out to Somlo is the easy way of life. No TV, no electronics, etc. Just the simple life and the kids love it!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Cherry Fun

Sue and Peter had a cherry tree on their property and the kids picked as many as they could reach. They tasted delicious. Mia even found a way to use them as accessories!

The Tomedtoz Olympics Schedule

Here are the 2 teams of kids and the 6 events (in English and Hungarian).

Tomedtoz Olympics History

The main reason we went to Somlo, Hungary (2 hour drive from Budapest) this weekend was so our kids could experience their first annual Tomedtoz Olympic day.

The history of the Tomedtoz Olympics evolved over the last year. In August 2007, while visiting the the Tatrallyay's vineyard, one of the Clements' kids (identity still unknown) decided to toss a few of Sue and Peter's garden tomatoes into the nearby road. Sue hid her sadness but we found out later that she was upset as it was her first year's tomatoes. To make up for her loss, we decided for X-mas 2007 to reimburse her for her lost tomatoes with a giant basket filled with tomatoes, seeds, tomato sauce, etc. and a funny homemade poster about the 'Tomedtoz' as Terence spelled it!

From this, Sue created the Tomedtoz Olympics!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

White Wedding

On Fridays after school and before swimming lessons we always go next door to the French school for ice cream and either a walk through the park or a short visit to the playground. In the park is a really pretty Catholic church. This past Friday we were very lucky to be there at the same time as the beginning of a wedding. Mia was in HEAVEN. I think her dream is to be a bride wearing a big white dress with a very long train. I was so happy to capture her in awe over this bride on Friday.

Ali followed her...

I love how below Mia made herself comfortable by sitting on the bench.

And again, Ali followed her.

Ali got bored but Mia stayed glued. I love these last 2 photos!

Mia wanted to follow her into the church!

It's funny how Ali is looking at Mia trying to figure out what she was doing... or going to do next.

Ali's Post-Accident Photos

Underneath this giant bandage above Ali's right eye are two steri-strips criss crossed over her deep gash.

Sue and Peter's Hungarian neighbors (Rita and Laci along with their 9 year old daughter, Veronika) were the ones to take us to the hospital on Saturday evening. The Somlo village doctor was out of town traveling but one of the doctor's assistants were in the village. So, we first went to visit her to see if she could help. She then sent us to the next town where there was a 24 hour clinic. The nurse greeted us kindly, had a look at Ali and collected our personal data while we waited for the doctor to arrive. He took a quick look at Ali and recommended that we drive the 20-30 minute drive to the nearest hospital in the town of Ajka where we could get her stitches. His clinic was more equipped for sick children, not injured children like Ali. Unfortunately, he was unable to administer the stitches that he believe she required.

Fortunately Rita and Laci were familiar with the Ajka hospital and once there Ali was treated within about 10 minutes. She was very brave and barely cried. On the way back to Sue and Peter's home, she dozed off in the car. We returned at about 10:15pm and found Terence enjoying Yahtzee with all our friends (Mia came with us to the hospital).

Here are pictures of Ali from this morning. Her and Mia had just received their medals from Saturday's Tomedtoz Olympics (created by Sue). A more detailed overview with pictures from the Tomedtoz Olympics are coming soon.


I love when Ali does this. She usually does it in response to someone doing it to her first.
Take a good close look at her gorgeous face because after this weekend she will have a scar. On Saturday evening around 8pm she tripped and fell, hitting her head on a stone wall and gashing her eyebrow open. It required a trip to the hospital for 2 Steri-Strips. Steri-Strips are another incredible 3M invention replacing stitches. Thankfully the Ajka town hospital had these new advanced products on hand so that we could avoid the torturous stitching process. Poor Ali!