Saturday, November 24, 2007

Close Sisters

It's no wonder why Ali adores Mia so much. Not only does Mia play with Ali all the time but she also looks after her. She helps her with small tasks like reaching things or getting a drink or a snack, etc. Mia is the best big sister and Ali just adores her. Here are some recent photos to show their closeness.

Mia was resting on the ground and Ali snuggled up next to her.

This was in the car the other day. I turned around to find they were holding hands. I'm glad I had my camera handy on the top of my bag. Don't worry - Curt was driving!

Friday Night Movie

Here is Mia, Ali and Keira all tucked in after their bath to watch Peter Pan (in preparation for Peter Pan on Ice today).

Long Day Followed by Strange Snack

What a crazy busy day in the Clements' home today! We started the day with Keira at 7am who was the first to wake up. Keira came and slept over our house while Terence went over to spend the night with Keira's big brother, Liam. After Keira, Ali woke up. First she played in her crib for about 20 minutes. I could here her playing and then finally she got bored and started shouting, "Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" Sometimes if I don't wake up or come up quickly enough she tries shouting, "Dada! Dada! Dada!" Sometimes Blue (our 2 year old Border Collie) is the first one up to her room. I always hear her get excited and shout "BOO!" when he comes in. Or, if Mickey (our 10 year old cat) goes in she shouts "Chee Chee!"

At about 8:20am I had to wake up Mia and Curt because we were getting picked up for dance at 8:45am. It starts at 9:15am.

After dance (ended at 10:45am), we ran home to change from our dance clothes and went to Brigi and Marcsi's home. The girls were going with them to watch Peter Pan on Ice. There was a group of 10 of them going in the nursery school bus. Mia and Ali were so excited. Keira was amongst their friends that were going in the group.

While the girls went to the show, we took Terence to the BISB (British International School of Budapest) for their annual holiday bazaar. It was a great time and Terence got to visit Father Christmas (how the Brits call him). Terence had to report to Santa what he and his sisters want for Christmas. The list is as follows: Terence - Wii and a skateboard; Mia - a dollhouse; Ali - a baby doll named Chou Chou (also name of her little boyfriend at school - this must be why she screams and shouts with joy every time the commercial comes on!) Terence came out of Santa's Grotto and told us that Santa sounded different this year. I asked why and he said his voice sounds familiar. I asked who he sounded like and he answered, "Like Charlie and Harry Cooper's dad's voice" Oops! We acted very surprised, of course!

After the BISB we surprised Terence with a visit to Challenge Land. I didn't have our camera with us but I've posted other pictures of Challenge Land before. Terence loves the place and managed a much tougher course this time. He was great! He especially loved having both Curt's and my attention!

We stopped and picked up ribs and chicken wings from Normafa Cafe and came home to build a huge fire, watch a movie and wait for the girls to return home.

After the girls ate, Mia asked for the following snack which I found very, very funny!

2 pieces of toast - 1 with avocado (she loves avocado) and the other with not peanut butter AND jelly but 1/2 peanut butter and 1/2 jelly. She is too much!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving in the Clements' Home

Other than the calories and the amount of work, why don't we eat Thanksgiving foods more often?! Yum!

Here are photos.

The kids table

All 9 kids. They never seemed to sit down at the table at the same time so I have the table and the kids but not the kids at the table. The kids sort of ate in shifts. First the 3 very hungry girls. They filled up first on pieces of turkey - grabbing pieces as Curt carved it. Then they were first to shout out for servings of mashed potatoes while the boys were upstairs building a fort and playing Guitar Hero. Then, before the boys were even called down I realized they were spreading mashed potatoes on the fresh out-of-the-oven biscuits. What a carb overdose?

Why is it so hard to get a nice photo of all of them smiling?

I think this is a good picture of Curt. He handled the turkey carving so well. We have enough turkey to last us a month! Turkey salad anyone?

The adult table. Not all Americans as we don't have a lot of close American friends. However, if I'm going to cook Thanksgiving dinner I would rather do large quantities for a bigger crowd than a small quantity for just the 5 of us. This was probably our 6th or 7th Thanksgiving with the McGanns. Our adopted family overseas!

Usually the TV is never ON during dinner parties but we had to have American football (thanks to Sling box) on or it wouldn't have felt like real Thanksgiving!

Our turkey pumpkin. Or is it a pumpkin turkey?

Everyone had to write on a popsicle stick what they were thankful for then insert it into the back of the pumpkin. Mia just wrote her name on one as she cannot write. I offered to help her but she just answered 'I don't know' when I asked her what she was thankful for. I asked her what made her happy and she still answered 'I don't know'. I gave up but if I had to guess she would have said dresses, sparkly jewelry, chocolate, pink and mashed potatoes.

Terence wrote his name then asked me to help him write that he was thankful for 'learning how to write at school'. Interesting choice!

Curt wrote, 'for being ALIVE'. So Curt!

I wrote 'for friends and family that make me laugh'

Between dinner and dessert the kids read out all the popsicle sticks. Again, no normal smiling faces. Look at how cute Ali is in the background! She kept up with the big kids all night.

Bill's desserts! Amazing! Pecan pie - my ultimate favorite!! And a new recipe - graham cracker molasses cheesecake (definitely the most fattening thing all night). Kerry also made delicious cupcakes with orange frosting and pumpkin sprinkles. They were eaten faster than I could get a photo.

Everyone stayed till almost midnight. It was a hugely successful night. Just a few glasses got spilled but nothing broken. Terence and Mia stayed up until the last guest left. We knew we'd NEVER get them up for school today so when Terence woke at 9am we surprised him with the news. First I said in a stressed voice, "Terence! School already started!". He looked worried and just waited for me to say something else as he was a bit speechless. I followed up with, "Maybe it's best if you stay home and rest today". He was so thankful (sticking to the theme)! "Thank you Mama!"

Mia is still sleeping and it is now 10am!

Ali woke at her usual 7:30am time as she went to bed around 9:30pm (almost 2 hours after her usual bedtime). Marcsi came with the bus to pick her up at 7:50am so she went to nursery school. I'm going to finish cleaning while Terence and Mia take it easy and enjoy a no school day!

It's a fun packed weekend as tonight they both have sleep overs. Tomorrow morning Mia has dance while Terence has football (aka soccer). Afterwards the 5 of us will go to a Christmas festival where they can sit on Santa's lap and tell him (in English) what they wish for. And, after that, Mia and Ali will go with Brigi, Marcsi, Linda and some other little friends to see Peter Pan on Ice! I think we'll all be in bed early tomorrow (Saturday) night!


Our European sized oven is always a tight squeeze for our annual Thanksgiving turkey. Once again we got about a 14 kg turkey. Now that is a bird!! In the oven at 12:30pm. Let's home for dinner on the table around 6pm. Just in time for the Thanksgiving parade in NY maybe?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mia and her Toes

Mia has picked up this very weird habit about a year ago. She has to come home, take off her socks (she's just like Curt and I and loves being barefoot) and pick out the fuzz in between her toes. Very strange! It's a major operation.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

All I Want for Christmas are my 2 Front Teeth!

Terence is rich from several tooth fairy visits this week! He has lost his 2 Front Teeth! Just in time for X-mas!

His first tooth came out on Sunday night. The 2nd last night. They've been wiggly for months and I felt bad for him as eating was always a challenge as it hurt if he bit into something (no apples in a while).

Curt helped him pull each tooth which I got on video. I will try and post soon. I've been trying but with no success. Hopefully I can get it to work soon.

This first photo was taken on Sunday after the first tooth came out.

The next morning (Monday) at breakfast with the 500 forint note that the Tooth Fairy left under his pillow.

This morning. Last night he lost his 2nd tooth. Again with the help of Curt. I was out with some girlfriends but he called me to tell me. I asked him to say, 'Sally Sells Seashells by the Sea Shore'. He doesn't have too bad of a lisp!

This video is from Sunday.