Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's raining today in Budapest. We were lucky this morning as it stayed dry for Terence's football tournament at the AISB (American International School of Budapest) between 9am - 1:30pm. The rain started to come at around 2:30pm. It's now just after 5 and it hasn't stopped. Thunder and lighting are also joining it every so often. Glad we are staying in. Some friends coming around but very casual and relaxed.

While I was out with Ali dropping Mia off at her friend's birthday party, we started singing. Ali is just starting to get a bit better at remembering lyrics so we sing a lot more than usual. We started with Happy Birthday then we went to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. We finished up with the rain songs: It's Raining it Pouring the Old Man is Snoring... Then, Rain, Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day. This last song will always remind me of our visit to La Jolla, California (just north of San Diego) in October of 2004. Curt, his mom, Terence, Mia and I drove up the coast (about an hour) to the beautiful La Jolla. On the way it rained. It was the same type of rain as today. The entire time Terence sang over and over and over again Rain, Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day. It was so funny. He was only 3 1/2. He made us laugh the entire time.

Here are photos from that day. You remember Nana?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Final Photos from Paris

These are random photos that we took throughout our fabulous trip in Paris last week... Descriptions below each photo.

We saw these motorbikes all over. 1 back tire and 2 front tires. Very funny looking but cool at the same time.

I love this photo of this couple outside of Notre Dame. She is completely in dreamland and he is absorbing the paper while enjoying a smoke.

Loved this unique tree in the Jardin des Plantes. Found a great view of the park (on the left bank) via satellite. This was a great park and had a zoo inside where rescued animals go to live. The morning we were there, 3 baby crocodiles had just been brought in after being found in someone's suitcase flying from Moscow through Charles de Gaulle. What do people think when doing things like that?! The zoo keeper explained to the boys in French that the crocodiles weren't even drugged but alert and kicking in their bags!

Anyhow, the tree was incredible. Very low to the ground. Not a banyan but something very neat. If you recognize (maybe you will Lisa) it please send me the name. The boys climbed it until we found a small sign saying please don't climb the tree (in French of course). Oops!

The zoo also had these rescued mongoose. Mom and Dad just had this baby about 2 months earlier. The day before we arrived was the first day the baby ventured out of his / her nest (hole in the rocks). So cute. The mongoose are fed live caterpillars. However, they are one of the only small animals / rodents that can kill a snake.

Loved, loved, loved this bistro on the left bank. We visited it after the Jardin des Plantes. Francois our waiter was just great. Kerry and I enjoyed a bottle of champagne (as you should in Paris) and delicious food (lamb served with green beans - YUM!). The boys ate Croque Monsieur and frites. And, Terence enjoyed a Coke to drink (a very special treat). Francois spent a lot of time speaking in French to the boys and was very impressed with their French skills and accents. It was the perfect lunch spot!

Found this bent bike tire locked up just near the metro at Sacre Coeur. T found it hilarious!

T noticed that every metro stop had different style and colored chairs. He liked these ones!

Chez Clement! We didn't stop to eat here but had to take a photo. We saw lots of 'Clementes' in Rome but didn't expect to see any in Paris. T has a one Euro coin in his eye. Not sure why... He was holding it there on and off for about an hour.

Cite des Sciences and Sacre Coeur

Sacre Coeur is a beautiful basilica in Montmartre. We went there after spending the majority of Friday morning at the Science Museum. The Cite des Sciences is at the Parc de la Villette and is an incredible set up for kids. I hope to get back there soon with all 3 kids and Curt.

Photo from inside the Cite des Sciences.

5 photos above are: Terence experimenting; the iMax theater is inside of this ball called the Geode; last 3 are from the submarine Arganaut (an actual submarine that was in commission for about 20 years).

Also inside the museum is a planetarium where we were able to watch (on lazy boy type chairs that were fully reclined) a great film on the moon. It was all in French but incredible. Terence was thrilled to learn that America was the first country to put a man on the moon.

Below are photos from our visit to the beautiful Sacre Coeur.

Photo from inside (mass was in session) and the view from the front doors.

I love this video. The area around Sacre Coeur is very bohemian. It reminds me of atmosphere at the Spanish Steps in Rome. I loved it and could have hung out there all day drinking wine out of a brown paper bag and soaking up the rays while singing along with the musicians. I'll always be a tree hugger deep down...

Anyhow, watch this funny video... again, it is in front of the Sacre Coeur in Paris. Too funny. I love when he shouts out 'Mexicains' (sp?). What an entertainer!

Monday, June 2, 2008

More Photos Tomorrow...

Fun Trucks in Paris

We saw so many trucks in Paris covered in graffiti. Terence loved spotting them!

Crepe Time is Anytime

Terence loves his crepes (French giant thin pancakes)!!! He ate about 3 a day and loved the ones with lemon and sugar. He always handled the ordering by himself and liked to compare prices as they varied greatly throughout Paris.

The menu of a small shop near Sacre Couer.

Notre Dame

Notre Dame was absolutely beautiful. We were lucky when we visited as there was an afternoon mass in session. I video taped some of it so you could see it for yourself. The kids weren't sure what to make of this huge, magnificent building. The were very respectful and enjoyed watching the priests and nuns walk around.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Better Photo of Pont Neuf Bridge

Here's a better photo of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris. You can see the round little areas where Terence and Liam were doing their funny pozes.

Pont Neuf Bridge

The boys were being silly in each of these little seated coves along the Pont Neuf Bridge.

Pont Neuf means 'New Bridge' in French. Even though it is the oldest bridge (first stone was laid in 1578) the name has stuck.

Seine River

Walking along the Seine towards Notre Dame


From the Jardin des Tuileries, we walked over to the Louvre to have a look around. We decided that going in with a 7 and 9 year old wouldn't be the best way to spend our morning. Instead we just admired it's exterior while we walked by on our way to the Pont Neuf bridge which we were crossing to get to Notre Dame.

The kids thought this giant spider statue in the garden outside of the Louvre was great.

Terence and Liam taking a break. We walked a lot!

Eiffel Tower

After Kerry and Liam met us at our hotel in Paris, we decided to venture over to the Eiffel Tower. It was a great day. During our entire journey over the boys were talking about how we were going to go all the way to the top. After arriving, the boys started to get nervous. Terence observed how the tower was even slightly swaying *. They started to chicken out but then we compromised on going only to the 2nd platform. The 2nd floor platform is approximately 115 meters high.

On their official site we found this statistic:

The force of the wind causes the top of the Tower to sway 6 to 7cm.
Heat also causes the Tower top to move, with a curve of movement measuring 18cm.

I even captured a video of T. He was going a little nuts up there. Must have been altitude sickness ;-)