Saturday, November 29, 2008

Who You Calling a Chicken?

One of the best things I've ever done decoratively is use chalkboard paint for our pantry door (on both sides). We used it for allowance tracking, shopping lists, dinner menus, kid fun and holiday pictures. For Thanksgiving I drew a turkey - to the best of my ability. We laughed about it looking like a chicken and not a turkey so I wrote 'gobble, gobble' and 'Who you calling a chicken?' Just had to share as we all got a big kick out of this funny guy.

PS Ali has been really sick all week. She started with a fever on Tuesday when we were in Bratislava. Yesterday we took her to the doctor to learn that she has a horribly red throat with white dots all over, the beginnings of pink eye and a sore looking ear. She didn't get antibiotics as her strep test turned out negative but her week long fever which reached high levels of 103 degrees F was a cause for concern. She received a few drops - one for eye and one for ear and we are keeping a close eye on her. Today she woke up feeling pretty good, with lots of energy, an appetite and no fever so hopefully she's on the mend.

Thanksgiving in Budapest

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving on Thursday. We used to wait until Saturday to celebrate and share a feast with friends but it didn't seem right. A few years ago we moved back to having it on it's actually day. Fortunately most of the guests were able to get here early (between 5 - 6pm) so we didn't go too late on a work / school night.

Curt carving the giant bird. It was almost 15 kgs! Fantastic!

The youngest guest. 'Baby Aidan' as our girls refer to him. He actually walked across the threshold. What a big boy!

The adult table

After dinner, the boys read what everyone was thankful for (filled out when they arrived).

My two fab friends. Both non-Americans but always welcome to share in the festivities. Nicola actually surprised me by turning up at my door with Kim, Kim's son, Harry, and Nicky's 3 1/2 year old daughter Hannah at about 2:30pm. I was completely caught of guard and as happy as can be as we had planned for her to come (she's been for many other thanksgivings) but then about 1 1/2 weeks ago she called and said she couldn't make it happen. The two of them planned a surprise which was so fantastic! So not expected. Unfortunately she could only stay for about 24 hours but it was all worth it. Thanks Nicky (above in the center). Kim and her family were invited because their son, Harry, now attends the American school and needed a taste of our Thanksgiving. He saw the turkey and actually thought it was a roast chicken ;-)

All the girls dressed up and got their faces painted by Mia. She's above left holding Aidan. Molly is above getting kisses from Kim. Molly will be 4 in Feb.

Mia and Hannah making their grand entrances.

Curt found a bride-to-be having trouble coming down the stairs in heels.

All in all it was a fantastic Thanksgiving. It almost went down without any hitches. A few hitches:

1. napkin lining the bread basket almost caught on fire when it got too close to a candle. Jay saved the day by catching it, taking it outside and stomping it out in the snow. phew! Thanks Jay (photo below). PS He managed to save the homemade dinner rolls!

2. Pumpkin pie was awful. First time I made it. In the past, I always had my dear friends Bill and Kerry (we missed you guys this year!!) help with dessert so I never had to think about it. I think I added more than a pinch of salt. Fortunately, I also made a pecan pie that turned out great so we were all okay. I am determined to bake a pumpkin pie in the very near future just to give everyone who was craving it a taste!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their family's in Mumbai during this terrible time.

Earlier this year Curt and I stayed at the JW Marriott hotel. The security there is like no where else I have ever been. Cars are all checked at gates, trunks open, mirrors under cars, etc. Then, there are metal detectors at every entrance with bags carefully checked and scanned. It's just devastating. We have many friends there and are still waiting to hear that they are all safe.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Off to Bratislava Tomorrow Am

Trying my best to do some blog catching up. We've been very busy! Seriously, ridiculously busy! It doesn't seem to be slowing down. Tomorrow Curt and I go up to our Bratislava office for some work, then a cocktail reception where we are guests of honor (Move One were big sponsors of a recent charity event), then dinner with our friends Peter and Sue. We'll spend the night at their home and then return on Wed. I've already started some prep work for our big Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday night. We are having a house full of people and I am doing it 100% alone this year. Bill and Kerry used to always share in the food prep but this year they are back in the USofA. boo hoo. Other than the turkey, I have lots of goodies including a pumpkin and pecan pie to make. Hopefully we won't be home too late on Wed so I can dive into it all! More updates will most likely only happen from Friday on...

To all of my American friends and family: Happy Turkey Day!!! xoxo

Down on the Danube

2 weekends ago (on Saturday, Nov 15th) while Mia was at her friend Isabelle's b-day party down in district 13, T, Ali and I decided to go for a walk along the river near the b-day girl's home. I took a few photos and a video (coming soon) of our little adventure.

I think she's trying to imitate T's peace sign.
Sharing chips and walking and talking. She caught everyone's eyes and smiles as she looked so cute in her little Ralph Lauren red jumper (thanks Keira for passing it on) and new white hat (bought on my trip to Brighton last week).

T relaxing river-side (doesn't have the same ring as 'seaside')

Love these 2 below of them looking at the ducks on the river. The one on the left is without a flash and the one on the right was with the flash. The sun was just setting.

2 more showing the colors of the beautiful sky. Photo of me (bottom right) is taken by Terence.

Girls in the Stairwell

Kids can be so funny. Mia and Ali decided to set up a little table and have a little pretend b-day party in the stairwell last week. I thought it was so funny. It seemed like quite a lot of work for them to haul their little chairs, table (aka stool) and other goodies up to the landing where they played for a good hour.

More Snoozing Kids

The other night Curt and I came home from one of our conference dinners to find the kids all sleeping together on T's floor. Erika, our sitter, gave us a heads up about it and giggled telling us that they wanted to all be together. I think it's so cute how they made this bed on the floor and shared T's duvet. The other surprising thing is that it wasn't Ali in the middle. She always wants to be in the middle and most of us give in as she's the 'baby'. I have a feeling T was in the middle comforting both his sisters as they were sad that we weren't home.

I took these photos below a week earlier. I just adore how they look when they are sleeping.

Mia's always 'catching flies' (as Curt describes it) with her mouth open. Ali, again with her hands underneath her, on the left.

The cutest is T. I found him like this all curled up on the end of his trundle sleeping in the position he used to sleep in when he was a baby. I realized later that he curled up in front of his space heater (the heating isn't so great in his room) that's on a timer to turn itself off after a set time. I couldn't sleep like that if someone paid me! It's a yoga position not a sleeping position...

More Snow in Budapest

It is a winter wonderland in Budapest at the moment. I arrived home from work at about 6:30pm and this is what I arrived to: our home and street covered with snow (I had a camera with me). It was so beautiful but also a bit spooky. The roads were a nightmare. Accidents and cars slip sliding all over the place. I think the snow surprised some vehicle owners as they must have still had on their summer tires. Fortunately, not only does my beast of a car handle itself perfectly in this weather but I learned how to drive up in Cleveland in these conditions with a significantly lesser reliable vehicle. I wasn't worried about my car losing control but I was worried that all the other cars on the road that were losing control were going to run into me. I felt like I was in a video game trying to dodge them all.

I arrived home and called Curt to ask him how he was going to ride his bike home in these conditions. My husband has not missed a day to / from work on his bike in about 3 years. Other than an ice storm last year, I believe this was one of the hardest bicycling evenings he's experienced. He walked in the door just past 9pm just shaking his head. It took him 2 hours of riding uphill in the icy snow. What a hunk of a man!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Let It Snow

On Saturday, we finally got our first snow fall. It was perfect timing as we'd finished all our daily activities and had returned home around 1:30pm to build a roaring fire, sit and play a family game of Monopoly when suddenly huge flakes started filling up the sky. It felt like a Hallmark moment sitting inside the warm house, all together and watching the snow outside. By about 4pm the kids couldn't resist the temptation. We dug out their winter gear, got them all bundled up and sent them out to play. I honestly think the preparation is more work than the actual outdoor playtime but c'est la vie.

They were so excited and even pulled out the sleds to go down the very small hill in the back of our yard. I captured a few shots of them in the outdoors. Shortly after these snaps, Curt went out and started a snowball fight with them. They all loved it.

The best part is that it snowed through Sunday so everything is beautiful and white up at our house. The slight increased elevation keeps the snow longer up at our home in district 2 then it does down in the Pest downtown. Yesterday we drove into Pest for breakfast and we were one of the few cars covered in snow.

T is such a great big brother and always looks after Ali and keeps her entertained.
Mia led the way by making tracks for him to follow in.

Our fashion diva.

My Hydrangeas. They return every year bigger and better. I'm amazed that their flowers are still in full bloom (now frozen) and with strong colors.