Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ali's Ready for the Bus

Had to capture these snaps of my 2 1/2 year old waiting for Marcsi to pull up with the nursery school bus. We've had 3 days of non-stop rain here but she's happy as she loves her rain boots. Why do so many kids love wellies?

Anyhow, the little school encourages kids to bring cuddly animals to keep them company during their nap time. Ali has been on a 'Me wanna bwing aahwl o' dem' - she scoops up as many doodoos (this is want we've been calling them since Mia picked up the word at the French school) she can carry and she waddles out to the bus that picks her up right at our front door.

I love that she gladly wears a baseball cap. I'm hoping she'll be my little tomboy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

8pm in the Clements Home

Kids are all cozied around the fire (the temp here suddenly dropped from 30s C to about 12 degrees Celsius this evening) watching the movie Over the Hedge, eating popcorn and not even thinking yet about bedtime. With school tomorrow (week 3!), I need to get them all showered up and ready for Lundi (Monday) and another long week. Wishing you all a very great week. Check back again soon for more Clements Family photos. Au Revoir.

More Somlo Shots

We had to take this first photo for our dear friends, Kerry and Bill, who we have went on many road trips with over the years but have always planned and packed very differently from. We all had a laugh with Peter and Sue when we opened up the back to unload our weekend clothes, toys, food, etc. Unlike our expert packers, Kerry and Bill, both Curt and I have the same style of just tossing everything in. Kerry - does this just make you shiver?

Is that a pair of Curt's underwear?

We finally made the hike up to the top of Somlo hegy (an extinct volcano). These photos are from the journey and then from the top.

The look out tower on the right. Then, heading back down.

These are a few more of my fav shots.

Mia picking me wild flowers.

Ali admiring the wild flowers in the field.

Autumn is near.

Our bedroom window view at Sue and Peter's.

Just Home from Somlo

After a fun night out on Friday night at our friends' home, we woke up early (but a big foggy) on Saturday and headed to Somlo to Peter and Sue's vineyard. It also happened to be the Somlo Wine Festival weekend so it was a fun-packed weekend. The drive took us under 2 hrs which is good time for us as we've always taken over 2 hours in the past. I think we've had to stop more frequently and we've also always seemed to get on the M1 freeway instead of the M7 like we are supposed. This time we went straight to the M7 and didn't even have to call Peter once to ask 'Where are we? And, which way do we go?'

Here are a few of my favorite shots.
Curt, Laci and Peter. Laci lives in Somlo and helps run Peter and Sue's vineyard.

Here's Sue and Peter with Laci, his wife Rita and their 9 year old daughter Veronika. Mia and Veronika play really well together. Laci and Rita are the nicest people. They were the ones that drove us all the way to the Ajka hospital on our last visit (in June) to get Ali's 3M stitches / tape thing on her eyebrow.

Horse and buggy ride. The 5 of us.

Terence was up in the front chit chatting to the driver about his 2 female horses.

Mia, Ali and Terence showing off their crafts.

Watching the band and waiting for the awards ceremony.

Peter, Laci, son Lacika (on left) and friend Antonia (on right) all checking out Peter's gold and silver certificates for 2 of his wines! Yeah Peter!

Some more fun photos from Somlo:

Ali loves pinching my cheeks. With her daddy.

Mia getting a tattoo with face paints on her leg. T learning how to do archery.

Lots of horses. Mia went for a ride. There's Somlohegy (Somlo hill) behind us. Peter and Sue's home is on the hill.

Mia is Back to Dance

Last week Mia returned to her dance class on Saturday mornings. She's now in the bigger group and has kids from Terence's class (at school) with her so it must be ages 5 - 7 years. She was happy to return - probably mostly because of the attire.

We are growing out her bangs again. She has too pretty of a face to cover it with the bangs...