Saturday, July 5, 2008

Made it to the US

Today is the 6th day of our travel adventure. We spent Sunday - Thursday in the beautiful Cornwall, England. Our travel journey there wasn't the easiest. Cornwall is very remote and a tricky place to get to - probably the reason why it is such a treasure. We actually flew out of Bratislava airport on Ryan Air as it was cheaper and a bit better timing for us. The drive up was only about 2 hours (we got a lift in the Move One van). We flew to Stansted (one of the London airports) then changed to another Ryan Air flight straight into Newquay (Cornwall airport). Our first flight was about 3 hours and the second was about an hour. We ran into one challenge on the way (a missing passport) but won't get into that now as it's a long story. All was worked out with a one day trip up the US Embassy in London. It was Curt's passport so he went up solo.

At the Newquay airport we rented (or 'hired' as all my British friends say) a car and drove over to Nicky's big rental house where we were staying with her, Jock and their two adorable girls: Hannah (3 1/2) and Leah (1). Our good friends, the Coopers, own a home down there so they stayed there with our other British friends, the Taylors, who were back from their assignment in Panama. Another close family to us were also there as well as Kim's mom and dad (visiting from Glasgow). All together we had a reunion of 6 families - 13 kids all together. It was so fun and the kids loved getting together again and being together on the beach.

We had a big party on the beach two days in a row with wine and a bbq right on the beach. Terence and the rest of the boys took a 1/2 day surf class (with wet suits of course as it is England). Cornwall is famous for their surfing. Also during our stay Curt went out with a business colleague sailing for the day and the 6 girls sans hubbies and kids all went out to Rick Stein's famous Seafood restaurant in the beautiful Padstow.

The beaches in Cornwall are really picturesque. The planning permissions are tough to obtain so there are only a few homes and developments, which add to the charm.

Right now we are at Curt's Uncle Mike and Aunt Sally's home so I haven't yet downloaded any photos. I will do so as soon as I get the right USB cord (I accidentally brought the wrong one with me) and post them soon. We arrived last night after flying up on Thursday to London's Gatwick airport, spending the night at the beautiful Sofitel (attached to Gatwick's terminal so very convenient) hotel and flying from London - Cincinnati - Kansas City. We landed on America's birthday at 5:15pm. However, all 5 of us fell asleep at around 9:30pm before all the fireworks started. The kids were all incredible on the long, long journey and I was very proud of them.

In the meantime, here are the photos of where we just were on holiday.

Map of England. Cornwall is in the southern west tip.

Here's a close up. We were between Newquay and Padstow.

PS Today is Nana's 76th birthday (Curt's mom) so there are 28 of us going out for dinner. It's so great to be reunited with all the family and friends. The kids are in heaven.

PPS First morning of jetlag woke us all up at 5am. It's 9am now and we've already all showered, been for a long walk with Uncle Mike, Uncle Jim and their 2 golden retreivers (Blossom and Molly), had breakfast, played on the playground, watched some TV and now feel like it is lunch time as it's been a long am.