Friday, March 14, 2008

Lost Tooth #5

Terence's 5th tooth just came out today. He has been playing with it for ages. It's been forever since he's been able to eat an apple without having to have it cut up for him. He was so excited as he managed to pull it out himself. What a relief and excitement for us all! Even the girls were jumping up and down clapping. Ali kept laughing everytime he showed her the gap in his teeth where the tooth once lived.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thanks Nana and Papa

Thanks Nana and Papa! Terence loves his early birthday presents that arrived in the post today! The solar system is ultra cool! He cannot wait until dad gets home (on the 21st) to help him hang each planet up in his room.
PS Yes, that's Mia's thumb in her mouth

The books are also fantastic! How perfect for Terence! He is so planning to be a scientist / inventor / engineer when he grows up! We read several of the questions and answers tonight during bedtime.

Thank You

Thanks to my relo team for the beautiful birthday flowers. They are still looking gorgeous!

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Or, in 2008 it seems to be that February showers bring March flowers. Look at our garden. All the bulbs that the kids and I planted in the fall are popping up. The crocuses are beautiful! It feels like Easter...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Package in the Post

The kids get so very excited when we receive a package in the post. Yesterday the delivered package was from Karen and Mark in Chicago. Thank you so much for all the wonderfully thoughtout b-day presents for Terence, Emilia and Alexandra! They were overjoyed!!

Beautiful wrapping paper and fun bows

Lidstrom's hockey jersey is so cool for T!
The girls love the dolls. I've never seen this brand before - they are so beautiful!
Below is Ali's attempt at a smile for the camera. She looks like she's in pain... ;-)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More Good School News

Last night Terence brought home this week's school lunch menu. He pulled it out while I was cooking dinner and told me that his teacher, Celine, told him to practice reading it. This is where I'm useless at helping him as I cannot pronounce French words properly. Even if I tried I do not want him learning to pronounce anything French from me as it wouldn't be correct.

So, I told him to start practicing and when I had a minute I would sit with him to listen. He practiced by slowly sounding out the words and reading them out loud. When I sat with him finally, he told me that he and Julia (from his 1st Grade class) were chosen to read to the Kindergarten kids the following day. I know Julia is very smart so I worried as Terence is really struggling with reading and writing... and speaking for that matter! It's only his 2nd year at the French school and he hears French no where else outside of school! Wait, I take that back. He plays on a French football team on Saturdays. Anyhow, it's minimal...

We practiced and I thought he sounded okay. I knew he had trouble with a few words like mushroom which is really long and sounds like 'champion' but seems to have about 5 too many letters in it!

This morning when I dropped him off I wished him luck. He wasn't nervous to go to school like I thought he may be. Instead he was very excited as Tuesday is one of his favorite days as he has gym on Tuesdays (and Fridays) and he loves gym. He's also signed up for an extra hour of sport on Tuesdays after school (3-4pm) which he also thinks is great. When I picked him up at 4pm I didn't say anything as I wanted him to bring up the reading session. After we were on our way in the car he told me he did it without making any mistakes and Samuel (the K teacher) told him he did very well. He said that the best part was that when he read the dessert of the day 'Danette au Chocolat' (Sheila - did you know there was such a dessert with your name in it??) the entire class cheered with excitement. That must have been a nice way for him to end his menu reading. He said it was really funny.

Phew! So glad he did well. The last week has been great for his confidence!


Our son, Terence, is absolutely addicted to Monopoly. Santa brought it for our family and he loves it. We played twice this weekend and I had to end it early each time as I had to get to other things (i.e. Mia and Ali). On Saturday we played for 2 hours but on Sunday we played for about 4 hours! I had to sell my houses twice as he was just clever at buying and purchasing houses and even hotels!

The funniest is he saves his one 1,000 GBP note for Knightsbridge every time. It's his strategy. Knightsbridge is the most expensive property right before GO. I landed on it twice and was almost in bankruptcy but managed to just barely survive... It's so fun to play these board games with him. It's even more fun to see how well he does at them!


Our hot tub has been out of commission for a few months due to us traveling so much and forgetting to put the appropriate chemicals in regularly. We finally had it drained, cleaned and refilled with all the proper chemicals so we are back into hot tubbing. Curt is the biggest fan of the hot tub and goes in most evenings after the kids are in bed. I must admit that I haven't been in that many times but decided to go in last night with the kids (Curt is still away for another 10 days or so).

It was so great. It was a beautiful, clear night. The air was chilly (for wearing only bathing suits) but the water temperature was 40 degrees C. We had a great time and probably spent 45 minutes in there splashing around, talking, counting the stars, etc. We ran into the hot shower and bath afterwards then into bed. The kids have never fell asleep so quickly! I must remember to do it every night after dinner...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Progress Finally

Good news about Terence at school. One of his teachers who hasn't been grading him very highly came out on Friday after school to congratulate us. He told me that T is doing really well ... suddenly. And, "He just went from 1st to 2nd gear". Terence was smiling ear to ear. I started crying (just teary eyed) and kissing him which was definitely NOT cool! It was the best news...

Yeah T! Keep up the good work!

Rock Climbing

Yesterday we went to an incredible rock climbing gym in Budapest's district 10. My brother and Janos joined us and it was great to have a few other hands to help belay both kids while Ali and I watched and took photos. It's been years since I rock climbed and I definitely look forward to going back with my rock climbing shoes! This gym is incredible! The kids loved it and climbed for 2 hours! Everyone there was really nice but not a kiddy place. This gym is big league. Check out the overhangs!

The kids hadn't climbed since summer time in Kiawah. Terence quickly learned how to clip in and out by himself.

Mia was wowing all the guys in the gym as she just flies up with ease. They couldn't believe she was only 5 years old and already such a good climber. Terence was also a good climber but a bit more careful and a bit more analytical.

This guy below just kept us amazed at his ability to climb up the overhangs without hesitation. If you look at the first picture, he climbed all the way up to the center of the ceiling. We called him Spiderman!

Some videos of our rock climbing kids. The first one is of Mia goofing around. She loved repelling and bouncing off the wall. She loved swinging and spinning and being silly.

Uncle Robert

Snack time

2 hours later they were still wanting to climb!


In past blogs I have posted stories, videos and pictures of us enjoying our newest toy: Wii by Nintendo. This weekend was the most fun we all had thanks to George Lucas' Lucas Arts creativity! Don't know if I ever told you but he used to be a neighbor of mine. I'd see him driving around Marin County in his big blue Hummer - before any of the other celebs bought Hummers and before Hybrids were invented.

Anyhow, back to my story... Terence has a game called Thrillville that he really likes but hasn't been able to figure out completely by himself. This weekend when Riley (11 1/2 years old) and Liam (9 years old) were over, they helped him out with the Thrillville challenges. The object of Thrillville is to build an amusement park that you can make money at. You have to make clever decisions on what to spend mon
ey on to attract more customers. As more customers come, pay admission and buy things (ie at the gift shops or restaurants), you make more money which can be spent on more things. They had the most fun building roller coasters. After a roller coaster is successfully built, we get to experience it. The kids were all screaming. I too was feeling a bit nauseous at times as they made them really extreme! It was so fun for all of us to help decide what tracks to put next and how to connect it all together. We'd cheer when we completed a successful roller coaster then scream while riding it! It was so funny. Here are just a couple of photos of the R&D team. Kerry got the real action on video which she will share with me. Of course, it will be posted on my blog!

PS the girls were all upstairs playing with Mia's doll house and playing dress up...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Movie Time

Terence, Mia and Ali are finally able to sit together and enjoy a movie suitable for all three. Tom and Jerry is always a favorite. I know we all grew up with it but it is shockingly violent at times. Nonetheless, Curt and I turned out okay (some of you may disagree) so we let our children share in the same childhood entertainment that we had.

They invented a favorite new game while watching it. They start by picking a character from the episode to represent themselves. Then, while they watch the episode they laugh and shout "look what I just did to you" or they cheer themselves on like, "run, run, run". Even Ali gets into it and always wants to be the 'cica' which means cat in English.

These pictures were from our hotel room in Austria in Feb.