Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ali's New Haircut

We finally did it... We took Ali for her very first haircut. She is 3 1/2 years old and has never had one hair cut off her pretty little head. We decided to do a major cut and donate the 9 inches that were chopped off. She handled it sooo well. All of us were there to support her. I especially love how she held her daddy's hand while getting a shampoo.

It was a bit emotional for me but I adore her new haircut. She looks adorable with her big girl haircut. It'll make the hot summer months so much easier for her (and me without having to do all the braids and ponytails...)

More Fun with Stephen

These were taken on Saturday at Ali's nursery school's sommerfest. Stephen is Curt's nephew and was there working (manning our Move One bouncy truck).

Stephen thought the view was beautiful.

And Ali in the truck.

End of Year School Fete

At the end of the school year, the French school always has a school party ('fete' in French). This year, due to the weather, they had to move the entire party from the planned outdoor venue to inside. It was a bit chaotic but the kids had fun. During the party, Mia's dance group (the one through school) had an onstage performance. The video is coming soon. It was so cute to watch them.
This first phoot was taken of Mia just before she went on stage. She looks so nervous!

They were asked to wear either pink or blue shirts and shorts.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is one of the photos that I received from Mia's dance school. I'm always a big fan of black and white photos. I absolute adore this one...

Heidi Ovoda Sommerfest

I have gotten behind on my blog updates...again. I still have two camera's with full memory chips that I have yet to copy onto our computers (for posting). I plan to do it before our departure on Thursday.

In the meantime, I had to post this cute video of Ali on Saturday. Her nursery school, Heidi Ovoda, had a great end of year summer festival called Sommerfest. It included a performance by each of the classes. Ali's was the youngest to perform and you will see from the video below that she was one of the main stars! Can you believe that she kissed a boy?! This is Norbi who she refers to by his nickname 'Shoo-Shoo'. You have probably seen photos and heard stories about the two of them. They are very, very close. Norbi's parents are celebrities in Hungary so the entire thing is very funny...

Enjoy the cute clip.