Friday, October 2, 2009

Some Fav Lake Shots

I love these 2 shots of our trio watching the water and boats at the yacht club in Balatonfured. Both were unplanned and unposed. I've noticed that Ali almost always puts herself in the middle. She never likes to be on the end of anything and has to always be right in the middle spot...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Weekend in Balatonfured

Last weekend we decided that we'd take advantage of a free Saturday night and drive to the Balaton. After a bit of research, I decided the North Shore was worth exploring as I had heard the towns of Balatonfured and Badacsony were great. Curt and I had been years ago but back then the Balaton was very dirty, underdeveloped and full of German tourists. Some parts are still like that but we were very happy with Balatonfured and Badacsony. It helped that the weather was spectacular and still summer-like.

We left Budapest after Mia's dance class and T's football (aka soccer) practice at about 12:30pm. We pulled into our lake front hotel in Balatonfured just after 2pm. We didn't go straight to the pool but I've started there as I love the underwater shots! I have this fantastic underwater camera and really enjoy using it...

But, first a bit of Hungarian geography for you.

Our hotel, the Silver Resort Balatonfured. Our room was the top right balcony (on the side). It was a great suite with 2 bedrooms and a living room.

The kids loved the pool. There were 2 pools outside, 2 inside (1 was a kiddie pool), a hottub and lots of saunas and steam rooms. The kids preferred the indoor pool as it was warmer than the ones outdoor.

Lots of underwater videos of my 3 little fishies.

More from our fantastic weekend get away soon.

More Ali

2 nights ago, Ali did not want to stay in bed. She and Mia share a room and she was driving Mia crazy as Mia is always very tired at bedtime and is able to fall asleep quickly. However, if she has Ali jibber jabbering in her ear or whining, then she is less than thrilled.

Ali would not stay in bed without crying and I didn't think this was fair for Mia who was exhausted. If Ali was in a room by herself, it would have been an easy decision and I would have just let her cry. Instead, after a few attempts at working out the situation so she'd stay in bed, I finally decided to throw some pillows on the floor in the hallway and let her work it out for herself. About 45 minutes later I found her sleeping like an angel in this hallway chair. It was hard to stay frustrated with her once I saw her peacefully sleeping...

Then, this morning our comic returned. Ali can be very funny and always leaves surprises for me to find after she's either went to bed or went off to school. This morning after they'd left for school (with Curt) I found that she'd put her underpants on one of our pillows and sat it up her chair at the table. How does she come up with this stuff???!!?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Swimming Ali

This a photo taken from the hotel swimming pool where we stayed this weekend at Lake Balaton. Love underwater photos. I have a ton more of our fantastic weekend away and will include soon. This is just a teaser.

Mia's Presents

Mia loves creating gifts. She makes gifts for just about everyone and it's really sweet. We need to get her a project table or something. She pulls out beads, glue, scissors (she loves scissors), paper clips, string, crayons, pens (glittery are her favorites) and works away. In the past week she made her substitute teacher, Madame Michelle, a necklace out of different colored paper clips and a drawing (I sent in a box of chocolates, too). Her substitute teacher taught her for her first month of school while her permanent teacher, Marie Pierre, was at home in France looking after her dying mother. When Marie Pierre returned, Mia took her a colorful necklace made out of spongy beads that she worked hard on making. Later that day I asked her if Marie Pierre liked it. She said yes and she gave her a kiss after she told her, "I'm so sorry your mom died and went to Heaven. I know you are sad because my mom's mom also died and went to Heaven". I didn't pick up Mia that day from school (Monday) but on Tuesday when I went I saw Marie Pierre still wearing the necklace made by Mia.

Yesterday evening she spent an hour making me this:

When she is a crazy teenager I am going to keep this video close!! ;-)