Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mia Performing

Curt is safely in Delhi and called me just as I was getting to Negro Bar at St. Istvan Basilika ter to announce his safe arrival. It was about 7pm our time. Delhi (actually all of India) is 4 1/2 hours ahead of Hungary. So, it was about 11:30pm local time when he landed. He had to travel about 12 hours to get there. That's probably the shortest travel time possible between Budapest and Delhi.

Had a great evening with some girlfriends last night for my birthday. Cafe Kor dinner was absolutely delicious! Tried their Pike Perch which was incredible.

Today Ali was our alarm clock at 6:50am - ouch! We were all out the door by 8:50am for dance and soccer practice. When we returned, Mia performed for us. Caught it on the camera to share with you.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Kids Surprised Me

Curt and I raced home early from our relocation ops dinner tonight so we could catch the kids before they entered dreamland. I called our sitter to tell her to read really slowly so that we could come home and surprise them.

To my surprise, I found they had decorated the house with birthday streamers for me! They ran down the stairs screaming with excitement waiting for me to notice their creative work. Then, they posed for this photo with me. I have no idea what Terence and Mia are doing! Take a look at how tall Terence is. He is not standing on anything! He really comes up to my shoulders... at 6!

Terence then ran and brought me this....
He told me it was Tour d'Eiffel and he made it at school in his art class. Honestly, Curt and I didn't even know he took art at school... I asked if he brought it home for my birthday or if it was a coincidence. He said it was a coincidence but he wanted me to have it for my birthday. It's fantastic!!! I asked him if he'd like to see the Eiffel Tower in real life (he actually did once when he was 5 months old but that doesn't count). He got very excited and said, "I would love to!" I told him when we go to Euro Disney next month we will try...

While we were chatting, the girls were getting dressed up to 'go shopping and then out with their girlfriends' as Mia explained!!! She put on my high heel boots that I had just peeled off my feet... She is too much. Then she pretended to take a call on her pink cell phone. She spoke into it and then sighed. She looked at me seriously and said, "Change of plans. We now have to go to a dude's party. He just called and we have to go meet them. There'll be 4 dudes and 6 chicks." I do not talk like this but Curt sometimes jokes about dudes and chicks. The other day she said she wants to grow up and be a 'chick'. I must ask Curt when he comes back up what he's said about 'chicks'. Anyhow, check out Mia's vogue pose and then look at little Ali... A couple minutes after this photo I scooped up Ali and took her up to bed. I think she was relieved.

Birthday Dinner - just the 5 of us

I am typing this on Thursday evening. It is just about 10:15pm and Curt is scurrying around the home trying to pack his bags for his upcoming 2 week trip to Delhi, Mumbai and Shanghai. We had our relocations conference today, followed by a happy hour and dinner so we just got home at around 9pm.

His flight is ... listen up... on my birthday... He has to be in the taxi by 6am to catch a 7:45am flight out of Budapest Ferihegy airport. He asked me how I felt about him taking the flight on my birthday and I paused, then decided their was no point in pouting and said, "It's Fine." Afraid I wasn't too convincing, I repeated, "Fine, Fine, Fine." He immediately walked over to Sarah's desk (we were at the office) and asked her what she thought this meant...haha. She said that it meant that you shouldn't go. haha. Tonight, Curt's mom asked me on the phone how I felt and I said, "Well, it's a birthday I will never forget".

My adorable husband, however, took the 5 of us out for dinner to one of our favorite sushi restaurants on Wednesday night. He we are...

Last photo was taken by Terence who was most impressed with his photography skills and shouted 'Awesome!' after each of his shots... ;-)

I Scream... You Scream... We all Scream for


I know this cannot be an inherited trait but I'm sure every parent just about falls off their chair when they see one of their kids copying a certain childhood behavior. The other night I witnessed Mia eating her ice cream the same way as I did when I was a kid. It was an art. A very slow and passionate art form to eating ice cream. While I was cleaning up the dinner dishes (we had beef teriyaki with lots of vegetables that the kids all helped me cook and then we all devoured - very yummy), I heard Terence sort of get irritated with Mia and say something like, "just eat it, Mia!" He's right, I try to discourage playing with food but my ears perked up to try and hear what was bothering him. She explained that she was making soup. Sure enough, she mixed her sprinkles in (I was never so lucky to get sprinkles ... or paint Easter eggs - have I already mentioned that ;-) and was stirring her ice cream into a soft smooth 'soup' like consistency. She wasn't even eating any of it until it was exactly the way she wanted it. I had to laugh. It brought floods of ice cream eating memories back to me. I remember doing the same thing! I never ate my ice cream until it was the same consistency and I could pat it out flat in my bowl. My odd ice cream eating habits got stranger as I had to pretend it was a birthday cake and I was frosting it then eating slice by slice. I explained this to Mia and she loved the idea! She couldn't believe she had never thought of this... What a funny evening it was for me to swap strange ice cream eating practices with my daughter!

Thanks Jon

Jon Harman very kindly brought the kids back this funny balloon-making kit from London. The latex type goo (not sure how else to describe it) came in 4 tubes - colors red, blue, yellow and green. We had to squeeze out a marble sized drop and roll them into a nice ball in our hands. Then, the ball was stuck onto one end of the straw. We had to blow into the other end to blow up the balloon. It was a very funny experiencing. I especially love the first two of Terence and Ali who just got it stuck all over their hands. Their facial expressions are so identical to me. Neither of them like having their hands dirty.

Anyhow... Thanks Jon for thinking about the little guys while working hard last week in London!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Photo by Mia

She definitely has a talent for photo taking. She took this one of Curt and I just outside our hotel.

Easter Decorations

Easter decorating time.

We put up the decorations the weekend before we went skiing. Easter comes so early this year that we had to quickly pull down all our heart decorations from Valentine's Day and pull out the eggs, bunnies, etc.

Mia really got into the decorating and did the entire tree by herself. Maybe Ali hung a couple. I know one of my real ones got broken but who cries over broken eggs when you have 3 kids, 3 dogs, 1 cat and always extra children and friends around!

This will be the first year that we paint Easter eggs. I've never painted Easter eggs in my entire life. Okay, pull your chin off the ground. Mom was a bit too territorial over her kitchen and never liked any of the kids coming in and messing things up. It's pretty amazing that I ever learned how to cook.

I'm really nervous about the egg decorating and must open up my Martha Stewart Living magazines for tips. I'm assuming we cook the eggs first. That much I can do. Thanks to Aunt Lisa, I have a couple of years of paints and fun Easter egg design stuff stocked up for a fun project day. The question I have is... What do we do with the painted eggs when they are done? Do we leave them out for the Easter bunny? Do we eat them? Do we decorate the house with them? Any suggestions on this tradition will be greatly appreciated. Every Easter the Easter bunny leaves behind a fantastic basket of goodies for the kids. They are also left a ton of plastic eggs around the garden to seek out. All filled with little goodies that they enjoy opening and discovering. They are not deprived but I do feel the Easter egg painting must be done and this is a good year to do it. They are all at fun ages and they still all believe!

A Favorite Terence Photo

This wasn't even taken very recently but it is one of my favorites. Terence and Blue are so very close.

The photo he below he asked to put up in his room.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Memory Lane

Had to look up some of my favorite photos over the years including the Fekete kids. Mostly the 3 BFFs - Sonia, Mia and Keira.

The 2 below photos are from last New Years - skiing in Slovenia.
And the boys. Terence with Sean and Liam and Riley McGann during a short break from skiing.

Below is of the 3 BFFs from the Fekete's leaving party in June 2006. I remember it was a HOT day.

At Bill's birthday party in June 2006. They look like they are looking for an escape route.

Sara's birthday party in June 2006
This one of the dad's is also from Sara's birthday party. Who knows what they are all doing but I think it is so funny!

Our annual sledding journey at our house. Sara is in the back holding up Sonia and Mia. This was when they both had just turned 2.

Mia and Sonia holding hands at their Heivi Ovoda school x-mas play. They must be 2 years and 11 months here. They both were turning 3 years old the month after in January.

The ones below are from 4 summers ago!