Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Dunebuggy

Here is our latest toy! It was just delivered on Wednesday.

My Garden

No matter where I've lived (whether an apartment with a small balcony or a rental with a small garden) , I have always tried to add my touch with flowers. I love having a garden and thrive on watching my fall bulbs pop up in the spring. Recently the kids have gotten involved but it is still a bit too long of a wait for them. They do love getting their hands dirty in the dirt and helping plant with me. All three of them love watching what pops up and the colors of all the beautiful flowers. We are so proud of our garden and have to always post the snaps of the recent developments.

The crocuses have finished and now it is time for the tulips, daffodils and hyacinths...

The bees love it but thanks to the Bee Movie the kids get what their job is and are no longer as scared. Plus, they love honey and flowers so know the bees have a job to do!

Sprinkler Time

It seriously doesn't feel like spring here. It feels more like summer! With our mid-days reaching up to 25 degrees C which is nearing 80 degrees F! It feels warm, warm, warm. The kids have the fever for being outside non-stop. They have been asking to have the sprinklers on for about 4 or 5 days straight. Today, I finally gave in. They all ran upstairs and got their own swimsuits on in just a few short minutes! I explained to them that the water came out unheated and it would be cold, cold, cold. No problem - they explained to me. They were ready and hot and wanted cold water....

Well, it only lasted for about 15 mins but they loved it and I got a few funny fotos!

Ali can honestly be the toughest of the trio... She reminds me of myself. Third kid and trying to prove herself... She stayed in there the longest and took any dare that came her way. She was a lot of fun to watch but then ended with, "Mommy, can I have a jacket?"

These two took their time and really thought it through...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Finally Time to Eat Outdoors

Saturday was our first dinner of the year outdoors! It was such a great day / evening and has continued to be wonderfully warm and sunny since. We enjoyed our spaghetti bolognese in the nice warm weather.

And a video of the kids with Curt on the trampoline. Listen to our dog, Blue, whimpering on the side of the trampoline. He hates feeling left out of the fun...

Ready for Easter

On Saturday, we finally got our Easter Tree and other decorations up around the house. We are officially ready for the Easter Bunny.

Curt was away until Saturday evening (on his trip to Macedonia for a conference) and T was at a sleep over but Mia, Ali and their friend Leah were more than happy to help with the egg hanging.

After the tree was finished, they enjoyed a nutritional snack: pretzels, strawberries, marshmallows and lemonade... yum...