Saturday, March 21, 2009

More on our ski champions

Above is Mia in her slalom race in Zell am See. Again, she won silver.

Unfortunately Curt didn't manage to get a video of T's slalom (gold medal winning) race as he went first and Curt's camera wasn't ready. However, when they went off skiing together one afternoon T loved skiing in the half pipe. The end is sort of funny as I think some other skier came close to running into T.

More Ski Videos

Believe it or not, I am still (slowly) sorting through our recent skiing trips photos and videos. This is the first trip we've taken when both Curt and I had a camera - and used it through out the vacation. Just a few days ago I finally uploaded his camera's photos and videos onto our computer. Bare with me and I will slowly get them posted. For now, here is a cute one of Ali up on the gondola with us going up to the Piste. She loved watching all the skiers underneath us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring is in the Air

After returning home from a snowy ski holiday, we were so excited to see green grass and flowers sprouting in our garden. The kids loved the warmer, fresh air and running around outside. Below are 3 photos of our garden area. The top / first one was exactly one week ago. The other two are today. It's amazing how many more flowers are popping out. It's very exciting!

above taken 8 days ago

above taken today

Just looked up that official spring is around the 20th / 21st of March. We turn our clocks forward one hour on March 29th (T's 8th birthday).

Mia tries desperately to do cartwheels. She maybe like me - I've never been able to do one!

Ali looking like a gangsta with T's hat.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 80th Birthday Papa!!! We hope you had a great weekend in Oklahoma... See you in just a few short months. With love, Curt, Erika, Terence, Emilia and Alexandra.

Each of the kids have a short video for you below. We hope you enjoy their many talents. Unfortunately they were all feeling very tired and the girls were a bit under the weather.