Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Fall Photos

During our garden clean up and composting set up day on Sunday, I snapped a few wonderful autumn pictures that I'd like to share with all of you.

Smoking Room

Curt took this photo at the Vienna airport. He thought it was funny that smokers had to go into this little box (like a phone booth) to smoke. It's right in the middle of the cafe for everyone to gawk at like a little prison. So happy we don't smoke!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mia Starts Tennis

Terence has been taking tennis lessons for probably about 2 years. He started when he was in 1st grade (like Mia). Now it is Mia's turn to start lessons. I wanted to start her earlier and think she would have been ready to start earlier but it never happened. There was a possibility for her to start playing last spring but with us going to the US for the summer, I didn't want her to start for 4 - 5 weeks then stop for the summer.

Now, we finally got around to getting her a coach on Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays from 11 - noon, she and Terence share a private coach named Bea. Terence has been playing with Bea for a year. She's fantastic and even though she went to university in the US at De Pauw University (on a tennis scholarship) they always speak in Hungarian.

In addition to Terence's 1 hr / week private lesson, he also does a 1 hr / week group lesson. Unfortunately due to time constraints (on all parties) the only time Bea had for the winter (started in mid-Oct when they had to put the bubbles on the courts) was from 11 - noon. Terence's group lesson is from noon - 1pm. So, I decided it would be best for T to share the private 1 hr with Mia so he wouldn't be too worn out for his second hour of tennis with Viki. They both were quite excited about this opportunity.

We are lucky as the courts are just a couple of blocks from our house. T usually walks there and back alone but Blue and I decided to chaperone the two of them today. I got a little video interview of Mia as we were heading out...

Mia starts her 1 hour group lesson tomorrow after school. Her coach will be Attila, Bea's dad, who runs the tennis club.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday Hike

The weather here has been fantastic. Perfect sunny fall days. When it gets like this and we have no plans we head across the street to the field, hills, woods for a hike / adventure. This time we headed uphill to one of the highest points where there was a windsock. The kids lead the way. It was very fun. Check out the pictures.

Love the self timer.

Had to take all the dogs

We reached the highest point!
On the way, Terence and Mia boosted Ali's energy level by playing this new game. Ali loves it. She pushes them and they fall over like she's super strong.

This was on our way down the hill. It's so beautiful. You would never think that we are in a capital city!

Cleaning and Ali Being Silly

Mia earned 600 HUF on Friday for going through our front entrance way's closets and pulling all the summer shoes out and making room for winter boots. She was trying to persuade Ali to help but Ali wanted nothing to do with it. She still hasn't developed much of an appreciation or understanding for money. So, while Mia worked hard, Ali layed herself into the half empty suitcase nearby. Check out how funny she looks (below).

She found these earmuffs and is sucking on her necklace pendant pretending it was her pacifier and she was a little baby. She is really so funny sometimes. Not sure where she comes up with these ideas...