Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another T video

I will slowly play catch up to all of T's videos and photos that he took while in Dubai. This next one was of a clothing store's window display in the Dubai Mall (largest in the world, they claim). It certainly caught our attention. He must have taken this as I walked through the store and admired their beautiful clothes...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chillin' at home

Today is Monday and there is no school due to the Pentecost holiday. I love having Mondays off! Curt had to fly out early this am so it's me and the kids, dogs and cat. Yesterday I was thinking about all sorts of ideas for outings but then just decided to enjoy the day and chill at home. We are NEVER at home. I honestly do not remember the last time me and / or the kids were home ALL day - entertaining friends for a bbq excluded. It has been fantastic. They've had their ups and downs with being active then getting a little bored. I will not let them turn on the TV so it's an active, imaginative day.

They started with a late rise out of bed. I was up at 7am to see Curt off who left at 7:30am. I had a quick one hour work out on the treadmill and then T woke up first at about 8:40am. Ali tip toed down just after 9am and Mia got woken by Ali at 10am!!! Ali was in their bedroom getting her bathing suit out as the warm weather and sunshine equated to sprinklers and outdoor fun.

After a couple of hours of outdoor play time, I found them inside like this. So sweet...

Now Mia and T are attempting to play Monopoly City alone. It's a little bit too difficult for Mia and I don't think T is going to give her any advantages so it probably won't last much longer. I'm making a late lunch / early dinner then we are off for a long, long bike ride.