Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Eastern European Marketing

I drive by this shop on my way to work. It's one of these types of shops that used to be all over Hungary when I first got here in the late-90s. The windows are filled with odd combinations of items - sometimes bras, sometimes car tires, sometimes fans, sometimes cleaning products...
Most of these style stores have disappeared but this particular one seems to still be in business. They must have bought the property a million years ago and are just holding onto it.
Last week while Curt and I were passing it (actually on a Saturday driving into the city) I looked over to see what they had in the window for sale. I first laughed that they had fans at this time of year. When I looked closer I saw they were at least marked on sale.

However, the sale prices were all different and if you can see from this close up, they varied from 33% to 35% to 36% off. What on earth?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Halloween and Fall Decorating

We've slowly started putting up our Halloween and fall decorations. Last week we put the orange lights on the house, hung our witch off our front upstairs balcony and put up a few skeletons, bats and headstones. This week we are putting up a few more decorations that can last through Thanksgiving.
I love this time of year and we are having a beautiful fall season. It's warmer than usual and even hit the mid-20s Celsius this weekend which felt really odd.
Yesterday, shortly after Curt departed to Chicago, Mia got a high fever and complained about her body aching. She did have a crazy busy Saturday so I'm sure her body was really run down. We went out for brunch with Terence, Ali and a few other families then the playground for fresh air. Mia had barely enough energy but she didn't want to stay at home and rest. I know how she feels and actually after her Motrin took effect, she was feeling more energetic and her fever dropped.
We came home by about 6pm and decided to all get into our pjs and watch a movie. I just downloaded High School Musical 1 and 2 so the girls are loving that. Terence watched Scooby Doo (still one of his favorites) on the other TV.
Today I decided to keep Mia home and spend the day with her. On the way home from dropping Terence and Ali off at their schools, we stopped and picked up our pumpkins. We are so excited to find real orange pumpkins every where here! When we first moved here it was impossible to find an orange pumpkin any where. Sometimes a green or gray pumpkin would turn up at a green grocers but now they all have orange pumpkins so we were very excited and picked one out for everyone in our family.
When we got home Mia helped me decorate and put some of the gourds we picked up in my turtle bowl. Kerry - I got inspired after seeing yours already filled on your blog.

The Pottery Barn website also inspired me. I love their things and can drool over their website's photos any day. I'm loving this table right below on the left. It comes with 2 leafs which would be great. I've made a pact with myself to not buy any more furniture until the kids stop drawing (accidentally or intentionally) on it. I probably have a few more years.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yesterday's Busy Day for Mia

In addition to dance class and fun with her friends Bailey and Leah, Mia's friend Istvan came over at around 3:30pm to go with us to their classmate's birthday party. Their birthday friend's name is Eszter and she has a French dad and Hungarian mom. Istvan is in the same situation with a Hungarian mom and French dad. Both moms are very lovely and include Mia in the Hungarian / French group. The funny thing is that Mia only speaks French to Istvan and not Hungarian.
The birthday party was at the zoo's indoor playhouse and started at 4:30pm. When Curt and I came back to pick them up at about 6:45pm (the party ended at 7pm) they were both still buzzing with energy. We stayed around for another 45 minutes so Terence and Ali could also enjoy the fun in the playhouse (after playing in the playground and feeding the ducks across the street).
The following photos are before and after shots of the 2 birthday guests.



They were both so tired on the way home that they fell fast asleep. We had the movie 'Cars' playing on the our car's built-in DVD player so the car ride home was very quiet with 2 sleeping beauties and mezmorized T and Ali.

3 Kid Pyramid

It started with horsey rides then they formed this pyramid. So glad I was able to reach the camera and capture it in time.

This was the next photo