Friday, May 23, 2008

Off to Somlo

Off to our friends' vineyard in Somlo for the weekend. The kids finish at 3pm so I will pick them up, take them for ice cream (a Friday tradition) at the little shop next to the French school, then head to Petnehazy for swimming lessons, then we are on the road to Somlo! Back on Sunday!

Bon Weekend everyone!


My Latest Interview

The XpatLoop finally got me! I've been avoiding it for years but since the US Ambassador just did an interview I figured it was probably okay for me. Any extra PR for Move One is fantastic.

To view my online interview click here:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Giggling Girls

It was my turn to take Terence and his 2 friends to their Wednesday tennis lesson up at the Petnehazy (near our home). I had both the girls with me and they loved running around. Mia especially was venturing off and went very far to pick flowers and explore.

Until she came running back whining that she sat on some ants... She absolutely hates ants and freaks out every time she sees them. It's the nuttiest thing!

This video below is funny. Had to try and capture the girls (especially Ali) giggling. We were all chewing bubble gum and they love when I blow bubbles! This is the first time I've actually managed to get Ali giggling on video. You can also hear how funny it is when she tries to speak. Third child definitely has the most unique vocabulary. Somehow I understand a lot of her Hunglish (half Hungarian - half English) language.

Backyard Swimming Fun

Bought a swimming pool while shopping with Ali about a month ago at Auchan (a French chain hypermarket here). We finally pumped it up a couple of weekends ago. We had to use the foot pump which was not easy. Curt was not pleased to have to pump for almost an hour.

The pool is a great size. However, the weather was still not hot and the water out of the garden hose is cold so we got some complaints from our threesome. Curt and I filled up a couple of buckets of hot water from inside until the pool water reached a warmer temperature. The funniest part is that after about 45 minutes of play time in our new fun pool the kids asked if they could go into our jacuzzi to warm up! Why did we even bother with the pool?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mia's Sense of Style

Instead of sleeping Mia was accessorizing herself, her baby and dog. Didn't even know she knew how to tie yet. She did an amazing job. Had a giggle, snapped 2 photos and asked her to try harder to fall asleep as 'tomorrow is Lundi'. Back to school on Lundi / Monday and I don't want them starting the week tired.

Rome for EURA 3008 Conference

Had a little time to wander before the EuRA (European Relocation Association) conference and our meetings began on Wednesday, May 14th. Curt and I met up with John and Jon for a stroll, lunch and gelato. We managed to walk past the Pantheon, Piazza Santa Navona and the Trevi Fountain. John, Curt and I have all been to Rome twice before but it was Jon's first visit. The city was packed with tourists!

This was an armoured police vehicle that we all thought was funny. Look at how big Jon looks next to it. Jon is about the same height as Curt.

At the conference.

We were proud Quality Seal recipients! One of the first 10 or so companies so far to pass the audit!

Photo on left is Curt (middle) with Radix guys: David and Jim.
Photo on right is me (middle) with Full Circle from the US: Ghadeer and Peggy (also Quality Seal recipients).

Florence's Duomo

Duomo is Florence's great cathedral in the center of Florence.

In 1296, Arnolfo laid the first stone but others added to it over the years.

The Cupola, was built in sixteen years, with a new engineering practice by Brunelleschi. This Cupola is now Florence's symbol. The frescos by Vasari were done for Cosimo I dei Medici from 1572- 1579 and cover a surface of 3600 square meters. They portray the Universal Judgement. The facade of the cathedral was only done between 1871 and 1884 by Emilio de Fabris

The clock inside was amazing. Roman numerals on a 24 hour scale.

More Florence Pictures

Just some things that I loved and snapped photos of.

An incredible chandelier on display in a beautiful old piazza.

Amazing balconies everywhere.

Look at these gigantic mounds of gelato. Had several tastes during the week and it's worth going back just for another taste.

Florence was incredible. The train journey was very comfortable. We stayed in THE most incredible boutique hotel called the JK Place. It's part of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World group. Our experience was so wonderful that I took it upon myself to leave a 5 out of 5 stars comment on the Trip Advisor website. It will be posted there in the next couple of days so check back to their site, do a search for JK Place Florence and it will be the top comment (it's by date).

Boboli Gardens in Florence

Here is an amazing 360 degree view of the Tuscan hills and Boboli Gardens. The peonies up there were amazing! They are one of my favorite flowers. They haven't yet started blooming in our garden but they will soon. The smell of these flowers are just incredible!