Saturday, September 6, 2014

Activities Resume this week

Terence has resumed (American) Football Training. Four hours today! He plays on the Barracuda team with EAFL (Emirates American Football League) and loves every minute of it... 
The amazing field house
Lots of space for training

Moving slowly after a tough, long practice. Time now for homework.
And this is what the girls do as we wait for him to finish up.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

For those of you who are on social media, you will recognize these ALS ice bucket challenges. To raise awareness (and, of course, donations) ALS started this ice bucket challenge which went viral on social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Once nominated, the nominee has 24 hours to take the ice bucket challenge (and hopefully donate to the organization as well). Every member in our family of five was nominated. Here are our videos.

We created this with a new software that has just come out called, Hyperlapse.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Loving the Office

Ali (and Mia) both love coming to our office any time they have the chance. Today, after Ali's first day at school, we brought her back to the office as we still had about 4 more hours of work to finish up. Love that she makes herself so comfortable.

In the CEO's office.

She made this sign and posted it on the wall of my office. It got a lot of attention from all the staff passing by. 

Back to School

It's been ages since I have posted anything and have made a commitment to resume blogging. Not only is it great for our family to have a collection of memories in one location and for me to make note of all the cool places we visit; amazing things we do; funny things that happen or just plain ordinary stuff about our family dynamics, but it's also a fantastic tool for keeping friends and family (far and near) up to date on our day to day activities.

So, instead of trying to play catch up from where we left off (over a year ago - yikes!), I am going to start with now / this week.

Excuse the fact that some of our upcoming posts maybe short and sweet but my free time is M.I.N.I.M.A.L. Honestly, I know I am older and I tire more frequently but at the end of each day, when we finally get meals, activities, homework, bedtime, work stuff, home stuff, etc all completed, I can barely stay awake for much else. It's embarrassing as I have been reading the same book since the beginning of summer! Ok, the book probably wasn't the best choice for summer reading as it's nearly 900 pages and more of a 'winter' read.  Still, I highly recommend the book I am reading which is titled Pillars of the Earth. They are even making a film (or TV mini-series) based on the story so I am more eager to complete it before watching it.

So, the subject of my post is BACK TO SCHOOL, which, the kids did this week. After an amazing summer in the US, all three children are back to school. The poor little (except Terence who is now taller than me) things are so exhausted trying to get back into the swing of things. Not only are the early morning alarms and starts to the day a challenge but getting into the rhythm of thinking again is tough for all three. I feel for little Ali the most who has to adjust to a full day in French which we know must be hard as she barely spoke / heard it this summer.

The kids now are in the following grades:

Terence - age 13, grade 8 (middle school)
Emilia - age 11, grade 6 (middle school)
Alexandra - age 8, grade CE2g (equivalent to grade 3 in elementaire)

All of them went to school via the school bus but here are a few snaps I managed to capture of their mornings.

Ali's first day at AFLEC (French School) was today

This is what T often does if he has a few spare minutes before his (and Mia's) but arrives.