Saturday, November 14, 2009

Clements' Health Update

Many of you have probably already heard that our little Ali has broken her left hand's ring finger. Her and Mia were playing on Friday afternoon and somehow Ali's finger got in the middle of a collision, bent backwards and broke / dislocated. We took her in for an xray and splint on Saturday. On Monday she returned to meet with the specialist who redid her splint and said that we had to keep it on for 2 weeks. Surprisingly she's getting on okay with it as she is right handed. Bath time and getting dressed is a bit of a challenge - especially getting on her long sleeves and jackets.

On top of having a broken finger, she has just come down with Chicken Pox. When she was 1 year old she was given the vaccination but now since she's gotten them (it's a milder case then what she'd get without a prior vaccination) she won't need a booster. It's just a shame that she has two health issues at once. On top of it, daddy is in China... We have a family joke that whenever I leave or he leaves (not the both of us) someone's health goes south.

Her's a picture of her sleeping 2 nights ago with her little broken finger.

Last night Mia's 4th tooth came out... finally. It was wiggly for a very, very long time! Last night while we were sitting and watching a movie, she screamed out, "It came out!" She's been playing with it for months and finally managed to wiggle it free! She was so excited! Here's a video of her right after she yanked it loose.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Last Ski Dubai Photos

Thanks to Bojan, we have a few great family (minus little Ali who was in the mall with Brigi and Kriszt) photos from inside Ski Dubai. Before you think we match our ski suits, these were rented with all the ski equipment.

Friends in Dubai

I am back and forth all the time. I still haven't posted all the US summer photos that I wanted to and have a couple more things from that trip to get up but first, I'm going to try and finish up Dubai.

While we were there we caught up with some good friends. It was great for the kids to meet up with friends from their past (former Budapest expats). Here are some snaps of 2 of the 3 families we caught up with...

Terence, Mia and Ali with the Trbonja brothers: Leo, Max and Alan. They lived in Budapest (Leo and Mia were in the same babygroup) then they went to Louisville, KY and now they are back on the expat trail in Dubai. Here we are at their home in the Dubai (we visited right after they arrived home from school so they still have their school uniforms on)...

Then, on Saturday afternoon (which is like Sunday there as Friday and Saturday are the weekend) we went to our friend Luanna and James' home for a great afternoon bbq and swimming party. They have 5 kids and the 3 oldest attended the French school in Budapest with Mia and Terence. Their 2 little ones are 3 and 4 years old so it was fun for all our kids. After Budapest they returned to home to the UK for a year then they too went back onto the expat trail in Dubai. It was a fantastic reunion. We were at their home for about 10 hours! The kids all cried when we had to go... I think I did too. We all had such a fantastic time!

Ali and her new 'best friends' (her words), Alberta and Felix.

Terence and his new best buddy, Charlie (10).

Mia adored Florence (11) and followed her everywhere.

...while Ali followed the bigger sister, Harriet (13)

Harriet helped Ali get all dressed up. Very funny as this is more of a Mia thing... Ali looked so cute!
As the night went on we noticed another strong bond forming. Terence, who never, ever interacts with girls, was playing chase with Florence around and in the pool... It was very entertaining for all of us to watch. It was SO unlike him and I was thrilled to witness it. I think Luanna and I will have to work on maintaining that friendship... They'd be great in-laws...

More Atlantis Hotel Dubai fun

Here are a few more photos from our trip to the Atlantis Palm Hotel's Waterpark. It was such a great day. We started by taking the kids over to their giant fish tank (with over 65,000 marine animals) inside the hotel's lobby. It is massive, beautiful and entertaining. We could barely pull ourselves away as we watched the sharks, sting rays, variety of fish and the most famous inhabitant: their giant whale shark. It's the only whale shark in captivity and causes a lot of controversy.

T took lots of photos and videos with his new camera.

They were all mesmerized.

Ali with Brigi (on the right).
Below are pictures from inside the waterpark, Aquaventure. After we visited the dolphins (photos below) we stopped for some fresh fruit. The girls both picked the very non-exotic watermelon, while Terence and I picked pineapple and coconut.

He loves the flavor of coconut (and mango) but this coconut's milk tasted too watery. He still drank it but was not overly impressed.

And then, the big adventure of the day came! After Curt and Bojan tested out the big slide which is literally a straight drop, they offered to take T up. He hesistantly agreed and WENT DOWN! I'm so proud of him. I don't think I could have done it... We are lucky that Bojan's wife, Ivana, captured this photo of him...

This picture below I found online so that you can get a better idea of what the waterslide entailed. At the bottom, you fly through a tube that is surrounded by all the sharks in the tank. I went on another water slide with Terence and Mia where we sat on innertubes and went through the tunnel surrounded by sharks and fish. It was very cool!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

We've had a bit of an emotional rollercoaster this weekend. After learning the sad news about an employee being shot in Afghanistan, we went to our Friday night company happy hour only to go home and witness another horrible tragedy.

Let me take 2 steps backwards first. This week in our HQ Budapest office we had 2 days of a relocations conference. We had about 40 relocation consultants from our different offices (ie China, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Bosnia, Poland, etc) in Budapest for a training conference. To help build our team spirit, we finished the week with a company happy hour downtown on Friday night. All visiting employees and Budapest based employees (total of about 100) all met for a very fun evening of drinks and dancing.

We were pleased to have a former employee and very good friend pop in for a short visit / surprise. At 12:30 pm we left in a taxi and took the same route as our friend, Paul Szeman. Within 5 mins we watched his car cross Alkotmany utca and get hit very hard by a taxi causing both vehicles to ricochet and fly through the air. Both of them flipped several times and landed upside down. Our taxi driver immediately stopped (we were within 20-30 meters) and Curt and I jumped out of the car to try and help. Since it happened so quickly and there was so much debris (including a fire hydrant explosion after one of the cars took it out), Curt got confused as to which vehicle belonged to Paul. He ran over to the second vehicle which turned out to be a taxi. He tried to pry off the door to determine if the driver was alive or dead. He didn't manage to get it off but could see that he didn't have his seatbelt on and was sprawled all over. Curt's trousers ended up covered in blood...

While Curt was with the taxi, I laid down next to Paul's car and reached my hand in. Naturally, we both acted without thinking and thought back to how neither of us even looked if there was fire or fuel (ie chance of explosion). If there had been, I don't know if we would have acted differently. I laid on the ground next to Paul's upside down Defender and reached my hand in. Immediately I found Paul's hand which I grasped onto. His car was upside down and he was laying on his back. I assume he didn't have his seatbelt on either as I was reaching my hand in the backseat driver's side window where his hand was sprawled out. I held his hand and remember shouting his name, "Paul! Paul! Paul!" What felt like 10 minutes was realistically only about 30 seconds before I could hear him moan. I asked him if he were okay (of course he wasn't!) and if he could squeeze my hand. I told him I loved him and I told him he had been in an accident and help was on it's way. I just talked and talked and talked without letting my emotions take the better of me. I told him that I wasn't going to leave him and to try and squeeze my hand again. He finally did!! For some reason I asked him if he felt like he were in one piece or in several pieces. I don't know why and in hindsight it probaby wan't the best subject to bring up but I thought I should get as much information as possible before the help arrived. I could hear the sirens getting louder as the fire trucks, police, ambulances all got closer. He replied 'pieces'. I honestly did not think he or the other driver would survive this catastrophe.

By this point Curt had joined my side and was also helping me comfort and talk to Paul. Suddenly we were both being shouted at and being told to get away from the vehicle. I started to argue that I wouldn't leave him but Curt pulled me away. Of course I understand as they had to get to him and help him. I remember seeing chain saws and all sorts of equipment that they were going to use to cut him (and the other driver of the taxi) out of their cars. They were unbelievable and I was amazed at their professionalism, team work, and determination. I think every emergency vehicle and employee in Budapest was at this sight.

When I took a minute to catch my breath, I looked around and noticed about 50 people gathered around watching. I stopped to call home to try and explain to Erika (who was babysitting) that I'd be a while. This was the first point that I lost the plot and started crying. I couldn't speak to her and a nice lady who was out walking her 2 little dogs grabbed the phone and helped me relay my message while her friend handed me a cigarette... At this point it doesn't matter if you smoke or not...

Curt and I gathered our thoughts and our composure and he decided to run back to the party to grab Paul Waller (an employee, long time friend and a best friend to Paul Szeman). I stayed with my taxi driver who tried to keep me calm. We watched them pull Paul out with a neckbrace in place and put him on a backboard. I kept asking my taxi man, Lajos, if he still had his legs. He said yes and said that he had even seen them moving. I just was so thrilled that he was in one piece and still alive! I found the Chief of Police and asked him if we could ride in the ambulance with our friend. This is not something that they allow in Hungary.

Eventually Curt was back by my side with Paul Waller. We learned that both drivers were alive and both appeared to be without any paralysis but may have broken necks or vertebrae (these were the words we understood). They explained that both drivers would be taken to the head trauma center in district 8 and that we should go there to learn more about our friend.

Within minutes we were at the hospital. We arrived shortly after Paul Szeman but before the taxi driver. We watched the taxi driver's ambulance pull up and could see him conscious and in one piece as they wheeled him past us.

Eventually we learned which EMTs brought Paul to the hospital. I convinced Paul W to come over with me to talk with them. They were very kind and also very sad for us. They told me that they were amazed they had both survived and said something that translates into what sounds like, 'They both have been given a second birth'. It was a true miracle.

Paul Waller decided it was time to contact Paul S's wife and brother. He called them both and shared the news and told them it was not life threatening anymore. They were both quickly on their way down to the hospital.

We found the emergency doctor and were relieved that he spoke English and reported to us that they were still undergoing tests but it didn't seem that he had any paralysis but they were still checking on internal bleeding and broken bones. We could hear Paul S screaming in the emergency room and Curt assured me this was a good sign as it meant he was conscious and could feel.

At about 3:30am I went home via taxi while Paul and Curt stayed and waited for Paul S's family and more results.

The outcome is that he is alive and it is a true miracle. He had some bleeding in his brain but they felt they could control it. He also had chipped bones on his vertebrae and maybe a few other breaks and lots and lots of bruises.

While at the scene of the accident I did pull it together to take these 2 short videos.

It made it on all the Hungarian news channels as well as online newspapers like this one. Click on the picture for more photos of his demolished vehicle. The 5th photo is the taxi's vehicle.

Now everyone take a minute to hug a loved one today!