Monday, February 18, 2008

Tennis Anyone?

Here's a photo taken from Friday, Feb 15th of my tennis group. We alternate into doubles groups over 4 hours a week. We are all quite equal in level and take tennis seriously which makes for some excellent games. On Friday morning we had 2 doubles games going then I had everyone over for lunch. We had such a fun time catching up as we usually don't have much time for chatting on the courts. The unique thing about our group is that all 9 of us are a different nationality: Hungarian, Korean, Dutch, Belgian, Mexican, Austrian, Canadian, Thai and me (American). If it weren't for our love of tennis our paths most probably would not have crossed in Budapest.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Recently I discovered a really interesting yet not surprising fact about Americans. While reading the National Geographic's Adventure magazine I discovered that only 14 % of Americans will take at least 2 consecutive weeks off this year. In comparison to the US, employees in France get a required 30 days; in Japan, 10 days and in the US, zero days.

Staying on the subject of reading, just a short update on what we are reading in the Clements' home.

I'm nearly finished with Atonement by Ian McEwan. Before this I read the wonderful Shadows of the Wind. I'd like to next read the hugely talked about Eat, Pray, Love or possibly a Jody Picoult book like 19 minutes which I've been wanting to read for a while.

Curt has just finished reading the classic, Roots.

Ali loves these books: 10 Little Rubber Ducks, Cookie Count and Does an Elephant take a Bath? She really likes anything with animals in it or pop ups. She also likes the cute book called The Potty Book - For Girls. She is trying to use the toilet but is quite slow at getting to it still. She does, however, announce when she has went in her nappy and usually wants to quickly take it off. This is a good sign. I'm waiting until the summer when it will be easier to work on toilet training.

Mia adores all princess books but her favorites are the Fancy Nancy books. She also recently started enjoying The English Roses by Madonna.

Terence loves his science books. Especially the book called, The New Way Things Work. He also loves Stone Soup which is one I hugely recommend! No David is a popular one, not just in Terence's opinion but the girls both love the story too.

However, Terence's most favorite book today is the one that was recently sent to him by Nana (Curt's mom). It's a Civil War book that used to belong to Curt when he was a boy. It was Curt's favorite childhood book and now we are working our way through it with Terence. He loves to hear the stories about the forts and armies. I enjoy reading a few pages to him every night as there is a lot that I have forgotten. I've scanned the cover for you to see:

Terence Holding Ali

I love this photo. Terence loves picking up Ali. He does the airplane with her and all sorts of tricks. Fortunately, he has yet to drop her... Ali adores him and still calls him 'Boo Boo'.

Ninja Terence

Here's Terence's NINJA outfit for Carnival at the French School. Thanks to Aunt Lisa who forwarded it to us in Budapest, it arrived just in time. However, due to the complication of putting it on he decided at the last minute not to take his Ninja outfit to school. He was afraid he'd have trouble getting it on by himself. Therefore, he took his Pirates of the Caribbean costume instead. I'd have some photos to show you but it is currently missing. We think one of the other kids accidentally picked up his costume and took it home. We had the head master and librarian helping us look around the entire school for 30 minutes on Friday. The class mothers have sent around an email to the parents so we are keeping our fingers crossed that it will turn up.

In the meantime, I thought you'd get a kick out of seeing him in his Ninja costume which he loves!

Charleston Dancers

Still no video of us dancing the Charleston but here are the 5 of us who danced for David's birthday (plus Catherine's daughter and Judit's son).

From right Kerry; Sophia (Catherine's 6 year old daughter); Catherine, me, Judit, Trevor (Judit's 6 year old son) and Jacki