Wednesday, February 13, 2008


1920s Costumes

Here are just a few photos from our fun Saturday night. As I mentioned in an earlier post. We attended a surprise birthday party for our friend David. Judit, his wife, set the theme as 1920s. It was fun and everyone dressed up! These photos are off Kerry's camera as mine is being repaired. I will get more from other friends but had to share these with you asap. I think the style suits Curt actually!

The 2nd photo is me with Kerry. She has a fab black wig on. I think she looks great with black hair. She's naturally blond.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mia School Work - Feb 2008

This is an example of what Mia is working on in school. She's doing well with at school and seems to get an A on everything. I thought this was neat how she had to use a different design from the left column for a different section on the dress. She's also doing a lot with letters and numbers. All in preparation for primary school.


I'll be posting photos very soon from our weekend as all the photos were taken with friends' cameras. Friday night was a wild one as we had 9 friends for dinner and the last 4 stayed until 3:30am in the morning! We started the evening at 8pm. I guess it balanced out the amount of time I spent in the kitchen cooking!

Saturday was a surprise birthday party for my friend Judit's husband. Judit set a 1920s theme on the party and it was so fun as everyone got into costume. Thanks to Curt's sister Lisa I got my costume in the US with her forwarding it to me here in Budapest. As part of the surprise, Judit asked 4 friends (including myself) to dance the Charleston for David and all the guests. We practiced a few evenings at Catherine's (where the party was held) prior to the party. It turned out fantastic! I must admit I was nervous and not very positive at times about how we would look but we turned out to be mini celebrities amongst all our friends - and David, of course! Kerry's husband got our 3 minute dance on video so once uploaded onto You Tube I will forward it to all of you for a good laugh. The guests at the party consisted of Judit and David's family and 50 friends who were all parents of children at the French School in Budapest. Even our headmaster and his wife attended. He danced non-stop! As did I and several times I danced with him which the kids got a kick out of when I told them on Sunday morning!

Sunday consisted of brunch at the Corinthia Grand Hotel. It's one of our favorite brunch locations as there are lots of activities for the children. On Sunday they even had a Chinese dragon / drum show to celebrate Chinese New Year. The kids loved it. During Sunday brunch they also provide 2 babysitters to keep the kids occupied with arts and crafts in the kids corner. It's really great. We went there to meet our good friends Christine and Torbin Lang who moved away from Budapest with their 3 kids 2 years ago. They are now back in Denmark. They are visiting Budapest for the week and staying in the flat that they bought just before moving away. It was great catching up with them and seeing how much their kids have grown. Photos of our reunion will also be posted soon.

Lastly, Sunday night was a business dinner. Phew. We are tired!

We have one more hectic weekend coming up as our semi-annual sales conference begins on Saturday and will go through Tuesday. Then, we are off for a week's ski trip to Austria with all three kids. So looking forward to some fun family time! Terence is really interested to get Ali on skis during this trip. There are some unusually coordinated 2 year olds that can pick up skiing but I don't think Ali will be one of them. Maybe we will stick to sledding this year and wait until next winter to start ski lessons.

Ali Home Sick

Yesterday Ali stayed home from nursery because she was sick. I canceled all my appointments to stay with her. She started getting sick with a runny nose on Saturday. Yesterday she also had a cough and was really grumpy and tired. We did have a very, very busy weekend so that probably didn't help. She first woke up at 6:30am but fell asleep after I cuddled with her for a while. She woke up again at around 7:30am but by 9am she was really clingy and grumpy. She kept grabbing my hand and saying 'home' over and over again. I kept telling her that we are home. I think she wanted to go to a friend's home but didn't know how to express herself. She insisted I put on her hat and coat. I asked her if she wanted to lie down with mama and she nodded so we went into our bed where she fell asleep quickly. She slept soundly with her coat and hat on for 4 hours! She wasn't too hot as the window was open. She woke up starving and in a much better mood.