Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ice Skating

This morning Terence, Mia, Curt and I (Ali was with her favorite babysitter, Brigi) went ice skating at the back of the West End shopping center. It's one of those things we've always thought about but never did with the kids. Well, we maybe going again very, very soon. It was so much fun. It probably helped that a bunch of Mia's friends were their with their moms and dads.

Curt watched and took a few snaps from the sidelines and I decided to be brave and put skates on after ... hmmmm... 15 years! It's been that long since I've put my feet into ice skates. Surprisingly I remembered how to do it. I'm not graceful at all but I was more than capable to do my laps around. Will be going back soon to improve my technique and watch the kids improve too.

Mia loved it and Terence ...well, he expected to be cutting up the ice and ended up falling... a lot. He has so little patience for learning something new and gets so frustrated.

Enjoy these photos and the videos (glad I got them up as I've recently had trouble with uploading videos) from this morning.

Below is our group of friends.

The boy at the beginning of the first video is Mia's good friend Abel. He was the only boy amongst all the girls. His dad is French and mom is Hungarian.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mia's School Christmas Play

Yesterday at 13.45, Ali and I went to watch Mia's class perform on stage. Mia is in Kindergarten at the French Lycee. Her class in French is called the Grand Section. There is one other Grand Section at the school along with 2 Moyenne Sections and 1 Petite Section. Therefore all 5 classes performed together.

Like last year, they all wore red and white which makes them look fantastic on stage while singing their French (and a couple Hungarian) Christmas carols. I actually managed to get a video in this post so you can listen for a while.

For a while the French school, didn't allow parents to take pictures but I'm happy to see that this rule has been lifted and we could click away!

The first two close ups worked out well. Mia was in the back row. In the photo on the left she is in the top left corner.

The kids were excited to get a visit from Santa Claus (Pere Noel). He handed out presents to each class. Mia's class received a puzzle. In the photo just above on the right, the kids of Mia's class are gathering around their teacher, Agnes, to look at the silver wrapped huge present.

As the kids all seem to blend together in the video. Mia is in the back row, 3rd from the left.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blog Slacker

I have been really, really a bad blogger lately. It's not that there hasn't been anything to share or no photos taken, it's just life has been busy. Earlier this week, the day after the x-mas party, I woke up ill. That just about knocked me out for 1 1/2 days. Then, the kids programs have been overwhelming. I feel like I've handed over hundreds and hundreds of dollars for teacher presents, tennis instructors, gymnastics, babysitters, curtains (i've finally ordered my first pair of really professional curtains in our family room. i feel like such a grown up - especially after seeing the price!), parties, x-mas presents, food, doctor's bills, pharmaceuticals, dance classes, etc. It never ends. In this country so much of it is cash, cash, cash. Very difficult getting these large amounts of cash all the time. But, 'tis the season.

The entire city is beautifully decorated with lights everywhere. Our home is completely finished and covered with lights indoors and outdoors. We have the fire going almost non-stop, the evergreen tree makes the entire home smell so festive and even the kids' rooms look like x-mas. Both of their rooms (the girls share) have their own uniquely decorated trees (these ones are fake). Mia and Ali's is only 90cm and is covered with purple lights, girlie ornaments, feathers, and silver sparkly stars. T's, on the other hand, it 120cm (he has a bigger room and is also alone in there) and has snowman lights, red x-mas balls and lots of cool, rustic ornaments. He broke his favorite ornament accidentally of a silver, sparkly empire state building that we bought in NYC last year. We're hoping he'll get a new one from his nana and papa as they'll be flying through and spending the weekend in NYC on the way to Budapest next weekend (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

In addition to their trees, the kids also have x-mas lights in their rooms. T's are around the windows and he chose big red bulbs while the girls picked pink feathery lights that twirl around this supportive beam in their room. They are both very satisfied with their decorations and are convinced all the extra wattage will help Santa find and get to our home much quicker on the eve of christmas. Very clever!

On Friday, December 12th, my husband and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. I asked him if we could skip the gift exchange and instead just spend the day together. I usually prefer this way of celebrating but unfortunately work and travel (he was away last year) doesn't always allow it. This year it worked out well. And, since it was a Friday it gave us a 3-day weekend. We had a lovely day together starting with a couple's Thai foot massage. It was a 1 1/2 hour treat that was just heavenly. After, we checked into our hotel at Le Meridien downtown (it's a great time of year for us to have a night away as the rooms are all so, so cheap) where we were going to spend the night. From there we took a lovely stroll down the downtown walking street Vaci utca which is completely decked out for Christmas with a market, gluhwein stands, roasting chestnuts and lights, lights and more lights. Lunch was at our favorite Italian restaurant on the river, Trattoria Toscana.

In the evening we had our company Christmas party. It was at one of our old favorite hang outs - Fat Mo's. We had the venue all to ourselves. About 100 Move One people drank, ate, boogied and repeat... There was karaoke and a lot of laughter. Curt and I dragged ourselves out of there at around 2:30am while the place was still buzzing and most were not even thinking about an end being near.

Saturday brought our dear friends, Sue and Peter Tatrallyay into town. They spend the day, night and Sunday am with us. It was such a treat. They were visiting from Bratislava and always bring lots of fun and joy to our home. Another friend, Stephen Spinder, joined us for dinner and we spent 1/2 the evening playing Monopoly with the kids then Wii Fit. It was lots of fun and not too late of a night.

Now, we are waiting on our sitter as we get ready to head to a friend's home for x-mas cocktails.

Hope you are all enjoying this time of year. Wishing lots of love, peace and happiness (and good health, of course).

More soon. xoxoxo