Saturday, May 3, 2008


No comments on this one are necessary. They just adore each other.

California Girl

Mia should have been a California Girl. The minute the sun comes out she wants to wear summer clothes and go barefooted everywhere. As I've mentioned in past posts, she gets gawked at a lot as many Hungarians still have their kids in hats and jackets even though when this picture was taken the temp was about 20 - 21 degrees C in the sun.

I like how this photo also captured her shadow.

And a close up.

Spinning at the Playground

Yesterday we spent the morning and early afternoon running errands around town. We're having a bunch of families over for a bbq today (15 kids - yikes!) and in typical Eastern European fashion we needed to hit about 4 stores to get all the foods and ingredients that we needed. In between shopping stops, we found great playgrounds to visit and have some fun in the sun. It was a gorgeous day yesterday. It looks like another great day again today which will be perfect for an outdoor bbq (don't want 15 kids running through the house all afternoon).

Had to include these snaps and short video of a popular playground item that you find everywhere here. All 3 of our kids love spinning on this funnel thing. It's beyond me how they keep from getting sick!

Friday, May 2, 2008

May Poles

Yesterday, May 1st, was a public holiday in Hungary. It was labor day. All over town (especially in the country side) you can find these May Poles in celebration of the holiday.

Other things I love about this time of year in Hungary are the stork's nests all over on top of electricity poles, lilac bushes, and all other blossoming fruit trees. Our entire street smells so sweet with all these flowering trees and bushes.

Favorite Movies

As of today, these are some of our family's favorite videos.

The Chipmunks movie is the one that the kids watch in the car all the time. It's really funny.

Upside Down Terence

Actually, we're about ready to nickname him 'Backwards Terence' as he always puts his shirts on backwards. Or, sometimes inside out. The Hungarians have a saying that it's good luck when you accidentally put something on inside out. If backwards were included, he'd be the luckiest boy in Hungary.

Yesterday (May 1st) was the first time he managed to hang upside down by his legs. He was really excited. Here are some still photos of him doing it and also a video of him getting up there. He had trouble hanging his hands up over his heads as he said it hurt the back of his knees where he was hanging from when he let go with his hands.

Later in the evening he landed on his chin while demonstrating for Curt. He now has a nice red rug burn on his chin. Fortunately there isn't any more damaged then just on his skin's surface.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mia's Friends from School

Here is Mia with 3 of her girlfriends from school in the back of my car yesterday. We were going to their friend, Rebeka's birthday party. T was up in the front with me and Ali was still at nursery school. Mia is in the back with her thumb in her mouth. The big gray square that they are all staring at is our DVD player. It is the best invention! They were quietly absorbed in the Chipmunks movie the entire 30 minute drive to the party! The movie was in English even though 2 of them only speak French. When it comes to movies and TV, language is not important to kids.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hitting a Vineyard on a Monday

It seemed like a good idea at the time...

On Monday we went out to our friend's vineyard, Haraszty Vallejo, in Etyek (about 30 km from Budapest's city center) with a group of clients visiting from the US.

We wine tasted, got to know each other and had a delicious dinner. Monday night wine tasting, however, is not recommended! Fortunately in Hungary we have a short work week. May 1st is labor day and as it falls on a Thursday we were able to work last Saturday so we can get Friday, May 2nd off and enjoy a four day work week.


Inside the winery during our tour.

Drinks before and after.

These were some of the wines we tasted.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ali Update

Ali's speech is definitely improving but she is also having trouble pronouncing certain sounds in English. The two that I've most recently noticed was that she mixes up the 'K' sound with the 'T' sound. Some examples are she says 'Teira' rather than 'Keira' when addressing our little friend Keira. She also says 'Toszi' (pronounced more like toosie) rather than 'Koszi' which means thank you in Hungarian.

The other mix up she currently has is 'W' with 'F'. So, she says 'Falk' instead of 'Walk'. There was another 'W' word that she used earlier today but now I cannot remember. 'Falk' took us a while to work out. Oh, that's it! Work! When we talk about Mommy and / or Daddy going to work she repeats 'fork' but not like the kitchen utensil but rhyming with work so more like 'ferhk'.

She's obsessed with gum. She loves the stuff. She's been chewing it for a few months now. I know, I know... she's definitely too young and has definitely had a few mishaps by accidentally swallowing it. Now, she chews it without ever swallowing it. Of course, I only buy the sugar free stuff but she asks for gum every day. She cries if she doesn't have any. But, we have to put our foot down when she asks for gum before breakfast!

Fun in the Sun

Love these photos from the weekend of our 3 monkeys.

We are all so happy to have summery sunshine weather upon us!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Diva Mia

Look at how she's posing! What a girlie girl...

Check out my garden!

Morning Chores

Feeding our dogs, cats and fish takes time. Ali is sooo helpful and is now doing most of it by herself! Here she is on Sunday morning still in her pajamas and bedhead feeding the dogs and the fish.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Curt's Home

After a very long and crazy journey, he finally made it home yesterday morning. We all thought he was coming home on Monday but we just had the details of his flight mixed up. It was a nice surprise that he came home early even though it was a challenge that began with his outbound Beijing flight getting delayed 7 hours. Then, he missed his connecting flight to Vienna when he landed in Moscow. He landed late and had to be put up in the airport hotel in a lock down situation. Not only did they take all the passengers' passports away but they locked them onto the hotel floor! Americans and many other nationalities need visas to go to Russia. We don't need a visa to transit through visa but to leave the airport a visa in your passport is necessary. Since Curt (and these other passengers) didn't expect to get stuck overnight he didn't bother to update his Russian visa.

In addition to the lock down, he was forced to share a hotel room... with a Chinese guy who didn't speak any English. I would have had trouble dealing with this situation! Curt called me from the room and was a bit angry but knew he couldn't do anything about it. Fortunately he got some sleep before being let out of his room early the next morning for his connecting flight.

The only positive side to this is that he was rerouted directly into Budapest in the morning.

No compensation, no apologies, same old great Aeroflot customer service!

We are all very happy to be reunited.

Birthday Party Weekend

Mia's all ready to go to her friend, Agathe's birthday party. The best part about it is that is 3 blocks away from us on our street. Terence was sleeping over at a friends house so Ali, Blue and I walked her over. Here she is all ready to go with Agathe's birthday present (something from Polly Pockets). She wasn't happy about the cardigan as Mia loves summer clothes - even in the winter. She always wants to wears skirts or dresses without tights and without sleeves. The weather was nice but still not completely warm enough for a summer dress.

Ali, like any 2 year old, loves wrapped presents. Add a big pink bow and she has trouble staying away. She wanted to carry the present for part of the walk until she started saying 'Heavy!' and handed it back. She also realized that she wasn't going to get to open the present so that also took away from the fun.

The other great part about Saturday's birthday party was that when we were walking home after the party, Mia ran ahead of us catching up to her really good friend Olivia. Olivia was walking down Arpad utca with her mom and little brother, Maxim. After about 7 months of school together and many attempted play dates we were surprised to learn that Olivia and her family live about 5 houses away from us. They live on a little side street that we almost never go down. We were so happy to all discover we were neighbors and we plan to spend lots of time going back and forth now! It helps that Olivia's mother is really sweet and friendly.

T also had Margot's birthday party on Sunday. I took him into the party and he became very shy upon seeing Margot. He made me hand her the birthday present and then he sort of hid behind me (like Ali does). Most of his class was there and Margot's mother was very nice and made him feel welcome quickly.

The crazy thing is that when he came home from the party he had a huge bruise / scrape on his forehead. He explained to me that they were playing a game and he ran into a low branch. It looked painful but he brushed it off. The crazy part about this is that I woke up startled on Saturday night around 2am after having a horrible dream that Terence got injured and the side of his face was scraped on something. Then, it happens... Maybe I'm developing a 6th sense... spooky!