Friday, May 15, 2009

One of My Mother's Day Pressies

One of the best presents I received for Mother's Day is a very, very clean car. Curt first took the car to the filling station to get the tank filled and the outside washed. When he returned, he got all 3 kids to help him wash and vacuum the inside until it sparkled! They all took such pride in their work and worked as such a great team! I'm not sure if this was the better present or the clean car... Thanks Curt, T, Mia and Ali!

Ali's Scooter

Just took this about 1 1/2 hours ago when we walked down the street to pick up Mia from her friend's home. We had planned to all come home after school together as I am exhausted. However, Mia asked to go down the street to Olivia's home to play. Olivia is a classmate and a very good friend. The best part is she lives a block away so it's easy for spontaneous play dates.

Below is Ali with her new favorite mode of transportation. This scooter was first Mia's (thanks to my brother and his wife who bought it several years ago for x-mas) but it is now too small for Mia so Ali uses it all the time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

She Spins me Round, Round, Baby, Round, Round

On Sunday we had a group of friends around for a bbq in the afternoon. It was the perfect summer day with temps reaching almost 30 degrees C in the mid-afternoon. It was exactly what we all needed! In total there were 9 kids and they all got along fantastically. They spent the day in and out of the pool; on and off the trampoline; on and off the doombuggy; in and out of the jacuzzi (they thought the pool was too cold so they decided to all swim in the jacuzzi ;-)... It was the perfect day.

Martha, who is 10 years old and at the British School, adores our little Ali. Ali, of course, adores Martha too. Actually, Martha, Ali and Mia all love being together and often are as Curt and I really like their parents and Terence loves her 2 brothers, Tom and Oli. Tom is Terence's age and they spend a lot of nights sleeping at each other's homes. Tom is one of the first boys T's age that he immediately hit it off with so it bonded the families together quickly. The other great thing is that Tom, Martha and Oli are probably all going to start at the French school from September so we'll have more in common.

Anyhow, during the party on Sunday, I looked across the backyard and noticed Martha repeatedly spinning Ali around over and over again. Ali, of course, loved it even though a few times (including in this video) I thought her little arms would get pulled out of their sockets. They were excited when I ran over to video them and immediately wanted an instant replay to watch themselves...

Our Moscow Office

I am almost done with catching up on all of our Moscow activity... I promise. The last 2 photos I have to share are of our office. This is, after all, the main reason that we went to Moscow. Curt and I are slowly getting around to all of our offices. Many of which we have not been to in years. So it's time we go and meet the staff and help give support and further training on our company's vision. I enjoy the presenting, training and team building aspect of my job a lot - especially to a young, motivated team like we currently have in Moscow.

This is John Heisler with Curt outside of our office building
This is our team (minus one person who was on an orientation tour with a client's assignee)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mila and Roman's Home in Moscow

On Wednesday night, we were invited to Mila and Roman's home for dinner. The last time we've seen the 2 of them was at their wedding in Moscow in 1997! Curt worked with Mila and Dennis (he also joined us for dinner) when he first started Move One (formerly AES) in the early 90s. It was so great to have a reunion with all of them but we wish it happened more frequently. Mila, Roman and Dennis all look great and we also had the pleasure to meet Mila and Roman's adorable 2 boys (ages 8 and 5) and eat their delicious food. The Georgian dumplings and the Tiramisu were my favorites! I think the Georgian dumplings are called something like Khinkali but I will have to confirm with Mila.

Anyhow, here are our photos from the evening.

Their apartment complex

Their 2 sons playing - all kids everywhere love playing computer games. They also had a PSP (playstation portable).

Back together again. From r - l: Dennis, Mila, Curt and Roman

Their youngest son was a little flirt and warmed up to us as the evening went on. I was very flattered to receive his favorite blanket while C received his teddy bear. A sign of true friendship!
The 2nd photo is of vodka shots at dinnertime. 3 of the 4 men (Zoltan is the one on the left) managed to finish off 2 bottles of vodka.

Mila and Roman with their younger son who went by Gere (I may not be spelling this correctly). He's the one with the blanket and teddy.

All of us together. I have to find the photo of all of us (including Dennis' wife) from 1997! When I do I will add to the blog so you can compare and see how we've all changed in the last 12 years!

Visiting the Fekete's in Moscow

When we arrived at the Fekete's home in Moscow on Tuesday evening their 3 kids and 3 friends from the neighborhood and school were all on the trampoline. It's every kids favorite backyard enterntainment!

And Imola spoiling us with homemade PASTA! Yum - it was fabulous!

Their beautiful house.

The 4 Fekete kids: Sophie, Sonya, Sean and Sara.
Sophie just downloaded a book onto their Kindle. It's an amazing little electronic gadget and holds 100s of books electronically. The screen has no light (keeping your eyes safe) and looks like the page of a real book. It took only minutes for her to get the book she wanted onto her Kindle!

Vodka (or is it Palinka) time. John Heisler joined us too.

Us and the Feketes with great Magyar bor ('wine' in English)

Thanks for a great evening John and Imola!!! I wish we could do it weekly!

Beautiful Moscow

Curt and I were in Moscow last week for work. We left Budapest on Tuesday around 8:50am and arrived at about 1:30pm (Moscow is - 2 hrs from Budapest). Our great friend John set us up with his driver who met us at the airport and took us downtown to our hotel Savoy. I found the hotel from one of my favorite groups / sites: From there we walked around a bit downtown. It had changed so much since we last visited in 1997! And, for those of you that didn't know Curt lived there for a few years in the very early 90s. For him it was a completely different city!

At about 4:30pm we went with John's driver to pick him up and head out to his house to spend the evening with him, his wife, Imola, and their 4 kids who we've know for ages in Budapest. However, due to his job they relocated to Moscow 2 years ago. We miss them very much! Boo hoo. I'll post their photos in a 2nd post after these initial scenery shots from the top of the famous Ritz Carlton which is very centrally located and has a popular roof top terrace.

On this evening we arrived at 8:30pm when it was still light but really enjoyed watching the sun go down and all the buildings' lights come on. It was a fairy wonderland!
