Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Terence Makes me Laugh

Curt has been traveling quite a bit lately. I feel bad as I only travel about 50% as much as he does for work. I just have a hard time leaving the kids as every day is so important in their young years. Just tonight Ali said Please for the first time. I asked who wanted to go upstairs to help me get the Christmas ornaments ready (for our tree-trimming party on Sunday) and they all shouted 'ME!' Ali then followed with a please that sounded more like 'PEAS!' She smiled with such pride. Especially when we all laughed and said 'good manners Ali'!

Terence was the funniest tonight. Every day Ali distributes the vitamins. I give the kids a multivitamin every day. I just started doing it and thought it probably helps in the winter when the fruits and veg aren't always the freshest and they probably don't eat as well at school as they would at home. They've also ALL had their flu shots and have been healthier this year than either Curt or I! That's always a bonus. Can't figure out why they've been healthier as Curt and I both had our flu shots too so maybe it's those daily multivitamins....

Anyhow, tonight when Ali took Terence his vitamin Terence shouted up to me in the kitchen and said "Mama, you know what?" He always begins his sentences like that. I think I must say that too. I asked him what and he continued, "Not only can Ali stand on both feet but she's also smart!" I can follow with so many jokes about men here but I'll just leave it as this... Very funny!

Later in the evening after Mia finished going on and on about how we should have more babies I asked Terence what he thought. He just shreiked out "OOOHHHH! Don't put the PRESSURE on!" What on earth does this mean?! So I asked him what he meant and he said "Babies are too much pressure and hard work!" I wonder where he heard this... hmmm... I just nodded in agreement!!! He is right! It's always nice having such a clever 6 year old around to keep us all in line.

He still says that when he grows up he wants to be a scientist, engineer and he also wants to write a book. But he always reminds me that he may change his mind. He has already changed his mind about being a race car driver and also acting on stage... The first one I understood but not sure about the stage acting... Anyhow, that's passed.

For Christmas he is asking Santa Clause now for Nintendo DS. I had to look this up and found that it's a little hand held video game console. It plays the Pokemon games so it's no wonder! I hope Curt finds it in London. We still haven't finished our letter to Santa Clause but will do that this week!