Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Other Updates

The desktop returned home last night, set up at 9pm by our IT Director, it was working like a dream but when we started it back up this am it wouldn't start up. Ugh! Thankfully we have a laptop. A very old laptop that has a big bubble in the center of the keyboard after Greta, our dog, got caught in the electrical cord and pulled it off the table. It works but is stubborn. One of these days I hope to have a computer for Curt and I that works well and one for the kids that they can play their online games (Club Penguin is still a big hit for Terence). One day...

I never got to Terence and Mia in my last post so I will try to now. First, for Wendy, who always takes the time to write nice comments on my blog, Coconut Chicken Curry. I know it by heart, however, some of the ingredients are not so easy to find. This is what I do:

heat up oil in a wok or big pan; add green curry paste and a large diced up onion; cook for about 3 - 5 mins; add chicken and cook - while turning - for about 6 minutes; add a can of coconut milk and 2 or 3 fresh kafir lime leaves (I get at Culinaris and always have a stock in my fridge - they last about 2 weeks); bring to a boil then turn down to a simmer for about 3 - 5 mins; add green beans - you can probably substitute with asparagus or broccoli even but I always make it with green beans because we love them (be aware that they cost a small fortune this time of year but I do find them at Budagyongy); cook for a few more minutes then add fish sauce, lime juice (I use 1 lime); 1 tbs brown sugar and a ton of fresh koriander / cilantro; cook for another minute or 2. I serve with brown rice. Delicious!

Okay, back to the kids. Terence and Mia are now amazing skiers. They both really enjoy it too. Recently while we were skiing Krvavec, Slovenia, Terence decided he was ready to go all the way to the top of the mountain and ski down with me, Kerry, Riley and Liam (Riley and Liam are 11 and 9 and have been skiing for 4 seasons now). He did a great job. While going up on the double man ski lift we both found the view magical. We were actually above the clouds. There was a sheet of white clouds below us that prevented us from seeing the parking lot or even the top of the gondola. Terence told me that we must be near heaven. It was beautiful and I promise to get the photos uploaded soon. In the meantime, here is the mountain map:

Terence managed red runs (no black) and lots of blue. Black in Europe is the most extreme, red is medium and blue is for beginners.

Terence and Mia had instructors in Kobla (the resort closer to our hotel) but they didn't here in Krvavec. However, if we ever manage to go back, I will definitely send them to ski school as it looked so FUN! Anyone with kids near Krvavec (10 mins from Ljubljana airport) that need to learn to ski, I strongly suggest this place. The instructors all looked really professional and played lots of games with the kids. Terence and Mia found this learning area fun as they loved racing around the obstacle course and skiing through these horseshoes.

During our trip I tried to teach Terence about New Year's Resolutions. I explained that it was something that you wanted to try new or different in the new year. He had a long think about it and then said, 'Mama, I have a New Year's Resolution. I have something I want to try in 2008.' When I asked him what it was he answered, 'I'd like to be able to lift a car'. I told him that wasn't so realistic and maybe he should make a resolution like to be nicer to his sisters or to try harder at school. He looked at me very seriously and said, 'I don't want to do either of those'. Oh well, maybe we'll have better luck in 2009!

Mia is still my best eater. She really likes grown up foods - like Coconut Chicken Curry. When we'd go out to eat in Slovenia, all the kids would order pizzas or sausages and Mia would order a tomato soup. It's really funny. She's still a girly girl and always has to have lip gloss in her pocket ready to be applied. Her other pocket is usually filled with sweets, gum or chocolate that she seems to always find and stuff away. I think this is the reason she has so many friends at school! Not only does she like sweets but she also likes to share. Curt and I laugh whenever we drop her off or pick her up because while walking in or out we hear every minute 'Mia!' or 'Bonjour Mia!' or 'Szia Mia' (hungarian). She's like a little celebrity. She always smiles and waves back but sometimes when I ask her who the child was she'll say 'I don't know'. She is so different from Terence who is still a loner and a lot less sociable. By the way, Nana and Papa, he likes that Albert Einstein book you sent for him. He's had me read it to him the last 3 nights at bedtime.

Mia's newest funny expression is 'For Real?!' I think Curt and I joke so much that she never knows if we are serious or not and somewhere she's picked up this 'For Real?!' question that is so cute. She always asks it with such a funny look - like she's not sure if she should laugh or remain serious.