Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Final Photos from Paris

These are random photos that we took throughout our fabulous trip in Paris last week... Descriptions below each photo.

We saw these motorbikes all over. 1 back tire and 2 front tires. Very funny looking but cool at the same time.

I love this photo of this couple outside of Notre Dame. She is completely in dreamland and he is absorbing the paper while enjoying a smoke.

Loved this unique tree in the Jardin des Plantes. Found a great view of the park (on the left bank) via satellite. This was a great park and had a zoo inside where rescued animals go to live. The morning we were there, 3 baby crocodiles had just been brought in after being found in someone's suitcase flying from Moscow through Charles de Gaulle. What do people think when doing things like that?! The zoo keeper explained to the boys in French that the crocodiles weren't even drugged but alert and kicking in their bags!

Anyhow, the tree was incredible. Very low to the ground. Not a banyan but something very neat. If you recognize (maybe you will Lisa) it please send me the name. The boys climbed it until we found a small sign saying please don't climb the tree (in French of course). Oops!

The zoo also had these rescued mongoose. Mom and Dad just had this baby about 2 months earlier. The day before we arrived was the first day the baby ventured out of his / her nest (hole in the rocks). So cute. The mongoose are fed live caterpillars. However, they are one of the only small animals / rodents that can kill a snake.

Loved, loved, loved this bistro on the left bank. We visited it after the Jardin des Plantes. Francois our waiter was just great. Kerry and I enjoyed a bottle of champagne (as you should in Paris) and delicious food (lamb served with green beans - YUM!). The boys ate Croque Monsieur and frites. And, Terence enjoyed a Coke to drink (a very special treat). Francois spent a lot of time speaking in French to the boys and was very impressed with their French skills and accents. It was the perfect lunch spot!

Found this bent bike tire locked up just near the metro at Sacre Coeur. T found it hilarious!

T noticed that every metro stop had different style and colored chairs. He liked these ones!

Chez Clement! We didn't stop to eat here but had to take a photo. We saw lots of 'Clementes' in Rome but didn't expect to see any in Paris. T has a one Euro coin in his eye. Not sure why... He was holding it there on and off for about an hour.