Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good-Bye Treehouse

Our beautiful tree house no longer stands tall and beautifully in the corner of our backyard.

After it was built (5 years ago), the neighbors (who we had not yet even met) came around to complain about the fact that they could see the top of it and that it was within 3 meters of the property line (a rule here). Not understanding this way of thinking as it was only a play structure and not a new addition to our home, we argued it. The city's district 2A land checker people (not sure of their exact title) even came out one afternoon to view it personally. This was only about 3 months after it was built and they brought the kids (we only had Terence and Mia then) to tears as they explained to these 2 small children that they'd probably be making us take it down. Our lawyer has been great at appealing their letters. We probably could have continued to fight them but while we were away we received another letter indicating that we had 2 weeks to take it down or we'd be fined a fee of 600,000HUF (just under US$4,000). I surrendered and decided that the fight wasn't worth it anymore. We've had some great years with our lovely, unique tree house that I designed and had built by a carpenter here but it was time to say au revoir. It's been weathered and has been in need of some minor work so it's just been easier to have it taken down. Now we are in the process of looking for a new little playhouse that will hopefully satisfy our extremely picky, unfriendly neighbors. Curt hopes to have it covered with hubcaps and flashing x-mas lights facing their garden.

For those of you that never had the chance to visit and see our fun tree house in person, here are some photos...

As of yesterday...