Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Budapest Amusement Park

As many of you have heard, the weather in Budapest has been absolutely fabulous. In the 60s, sunny and just perfect. It's strange to have this warm of weather in November but we are NOT complaining. Last year at the time we had our first snow fall. Instead, the flowers in the garden are growing and we are getting lots of wear out of our warmer weather clothes.

In Budapest, we actually have an amusement park over near City Park and next to the zoo. Terence has been there before with friends and his Uncle Robert but never with all of us as a family. He's been asking us to take him for months. Finally, we had a weekend when it was possible. I looked up their open hours on Saturday, Nov 1st and discovered that Nov 2nd was their last day before they closed for the winter. So, we HAD to go! And, it was good that we did. The park was very empty and we got to go on all the rides with minimal and sometimes no waits. It was perfect and the kids were thrilled.

Here are our Sunday, Vidampark (the name of the amusement park in Hungarian) photos:

At the entrance waiting for Curt to park the car. Parking around there is a nightmare as there is only street parking and no parking lots or garages.

This was one of the first rides we went on. Terence went on it once and, even though he didn't admit it, I think he thought it was a bit too scary. Mia, on the otherhand, loved it! She could not get enough of it. You can see her above in the 2nd row with Curt. The ride was fast with lots of hills (no loops) and twists. She ended up riding it about 10 times by the end of the day. The last 6 was with me and we did it back-to-back. We'd get off and race back to the front to catch the very next rollercoaster! With no waiting period. It was great! Every time she rode it she would scream and giggle. It was hilarious.

These next photos are from the little kid area where T and Mia happily rode along with Ali

Lunch break. Langos!! It's like elephant ears (fried dough) in the US but instead of a sweet sugary topping, they put sour cream, cheese or sausages on top (or all three). T chose sour cream and the girls sour cream with cheese but we all agreed that in the future plain is probably the way to go.

Ali loved this stone dog.

From the top of the ferris wheel.

A little kid roller coaster. We all loved it.

T rode alone in the very back.

Someone wore themselves out! Too much excitement for Ali.