Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ice Skating

This morning Terence, Mia, Curt and I (Ali was with her favorite babysitter, Brigi) went ice skating at the back of the West End shopping center. It's one of those things we've always thought about but never did with the kids. Well, we maybe going again very, very soon. It was so much fun. It probably helped that a bunch of Mia's friends were their with their moms and dads.

Curt watched and took a few snaps from the sidelines and I decided to be brave and put skates on after ... hmmmm... 15 years! It's been that long since I've put my feet into ice skates. Surprisingly I remembered how to do it. I'm not graceful at all but I was more than capable to do my laps around. Will be going back soon to improve my technique and watch the kids improve too.

Mia loved it and Terence ...well, he expected to be cutting up the ice and ended up falling... a lot. He has so little patience for learning something new and gets so frustrated.

Enjoy these photos and the videos (glad I got them up as I've recently had trouble with uploading videos) from this morning.

Below is our group of friends.

The boy at the beginning of the first video is Mia's good friend Abel. He was the only boy amongst all the girls. His dad is French and mom is Hungarian.