Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Superman Curt

My husband seriously amazes me!! For 3 years now he has managed to ride his bike to work every morning and every evening back home. It's a serious feat in the best of weather but he manages to do it in a snow or even ice blizzard. His reason is simple and something we can all relate to, if he misses one day, it'll be that much harder to get back into it again. So, this morning, he put on his spiked tires and hit the road in the massive amounts of snow! I had to capture it on film to share with you as it's seriously unbelievable!!! It's not a flat ride and he has to go over a massive hill (worse on way home in the dark) but he manages to do it within a reasonable time frame.

Just so you can better understand his biking challenge twice each day, here is a link on Google Maps. It's just over 20 km and it takes him about 1 hour each way. I like that he exercises in this fashion better than going to the gym after work or on the weekends taking more time away from our family time.

Our little 3 year old Ali in her spring clothes (gifts from Dubai) that she had to put on first thing this am. I've kept her home from school while I unpack, catch up with laundry and work, exercise, organize, etc. It was good to spend time with her after 6 days away in Dubai without the kids. Love the picture above left in her Crocs (can you tell she put them on herself?) and her cold looking face standing in the snow watching Daddy ride off.

Our home. Makes me feel like putting our x-mas lights back on!

PS T and Mia had school today but none tomorrow. Then, they are back on Thursday and Friday then off for a 2 week break!!

PPS Our best friends, the McGanns, are now in town and coming tonight for a sleep over so we are very excited!