Saturday, November 14, 2009

Clements' Health Update

Many of you have probably already heard that our little Ali has broken her left hand's ring finger. Her and Mia were playing on Friday afternoon and somehow Ali's finger got in the middle of a collision, bent backwards and broke / dislocated. We took her in for an xray and splint on Saturday. On Monday she returned to meet with the specialist who redid her splint and said that we had to keep it on for 2 weeks. Surprisingly she's getting on okay with it as she is right handed. Bath time and getting dressed is a bit of a challenge - especially getting on her long sleeves and jackets.

On top of having a broken finger, she has just come down with Chicken Pox. When she was 1 year old she was given the vaccination but now since she's gotten them (it's a milder case then what she'd get without a prior vaccination) she won't need a booster. It's just a shame that she has two health issues at once. On top of it, daddy is in China... We have a family joke that whenever I leave or he leaves (not the both of us) someone's health goes south.

Her's a picture of her sleeping 2 nights ago with her little broken finger.

Last night Mia's 4th tooth came out... finally. It was wiggly for a very, very long time! Last night while we were sitting and watching a movie, she screamed out, "It came out!" She's been playing with it for months and finally managed to wiggle it free! She was so excited! Here's a video of her right after she yanked it loose.