Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ali is Skiing!!

Ali has tried skiing many times before but I can now say she can officially ski with ease and control!! She can turn perfectly, stop, etc... Even though she did ski school in Austria over New Years, she wasn't really turning on her own properly and was spending most of her time going straight down without much control.

She spent this week in Meribel, France learning with Zuzana. Zuzana taught Terence (when he was 5) and Mia (when she was 3) how to ski too. Now, it was time for her to teach our last little one. And, she did a super job!!! Yesterday we joined Ali and Zuzana in the late morning to watch Ali's progress and join her in a few runs. It was fantastic. I was giddy with joy watching her!! She too was ecstatic and loved showing off her skillful skiing! Way to go Ali!!!

I'm having trouble with the videos. We took many! I may only be able to get them up after our return to Budapest. In the meantime, here are some snaps of Ali skiing yesterday.

family photo

my 3 musketeers skiing together. love it!

Posing with Zuzana - she taught them ALL to ski.


And our newest Ski Bunny: Ali Clements!!!