Wednesday, September 29, 2010

School Daze

It is week 2 for Ali, 3 for Terence and Mia at their new French school in Dubai. We are slowly getting in the rhythm and used to 5 day school weeks. However, they tire much quicker and earlier then usual.

Our day starts with Curt's alarm going off at 5:30am (or earlier). He has been starting his morning by either going down to the gym in our serviced apartment to run on the treadmill or out to the sea for a swim. He's training for the open sea swim around the Burj Al Arab hotel. It's for a great cause as we, Move One, have met with the Medicine Sans Frontier and are doing it in conjunction with their organization. I'll probably do it too as it is only 1 km but I will not be in it for the race part. It's been a while since I have swam a fast, straight 1km but since it's for charity, anything goes.

While he is exercising, I start getting the kids up at about 6:20am (ouch). It is hard work as they all love their sleep and want to sleep in later. Terence and Mia shower every morning while Ali baths the night before. The shower definitely helps them wake up...

They have breakfast, get dressed and 4 out of 5 days a week they get dropped off at school by Curt. The other morning of the week I accompany them as it's good for me to go in, meet / see their teachers, see their new friends and chat with the other parents. However, in Dubai, about half the kids travel to / from school on the school bus and several are dropped off by drivers and / or maids. Still, I have met quite a few nice moms and find this French school a lot more international then the one in Budapest.

I have been trying to take photos of Ali almost every morning holding up her fingers with the number day she is on at school. Below I have her on 6 (thumb) and 8. The SIX is out on our balcony of our apartment in the Dubai Marina. I love the area and find it so central and easy to get around. However, unfortunately, there are very few houses in this area and the neighborhoods nearby that we have found are hugely outside of our housing budget. Otherwise, I would love to be down here, in the action and near the beach!

Speaking of the beach, it's where I have been spending most of my time these days. I have joined (actually it was involuntarily as a friend recruited me) the Dubai Sea Dragons dragon boating team. We are out training 3 days a week and after 3 practices, I have just been recruited for the competing team. These woman, even though they do not look like it, are power houses! It is the hardest sport I have ever done in my life! It's not my arms that ache for days afterwards but the rest of my body - including my legs. Next week we are traveling to Abu Dhabi for a competition. I will be on the pro team as well as the Move One company team that we just started. Curt will be on that team with me! I am scared senseless but also excited. It'll be fun to go and stay in Abu Dhabi (about an hour away) for the weekend with all my teammates and their families. The kids have been cheering us on from the beach during several of our practices. The photos will be uploaded soon!

In the meantime, here are my gorgeous babes...

notice the lunch boxes?

This is Terence the other day after a sleep over at a friends. The girls were on the Palm to play at a friend's home so we had him all to ourselves for a great lunch at an Italian restaurant in one of the hotels. He was so pooped after a long school week, golf, skiing, sleep over, etc that he actually fell asleep in the back of the car. It is SO UNLIKE T to ever snooze during the day so I had to snap it when I saw it.

By the way, he's in one of our new cars. We just had to buy 2 new ones as we didn't bring our car over. This photo is in Curt's new Toyota Sequoia which I have been driving a lot as it is huge and I love it!

More soon... Promise. xxx