Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ali with Baby Photo of Mia

This is a video of Ali looking at a baby picture of Mia. She loves baby's and everywhere she sees them she tries to cuddle and kiss them. She did it the other day in the sand box at the playground. She was going around to all the 'babas' and kissing them. I got some funny looks from the moms but a lot of them thought it was sweet.

Anyway, this is a funny video of Ali looking at a photo of Mia and thinking that it is her. She's the first of our kids to not refer to herself in 3rd person. I remember teaching Mia and Terence to say 'me' was such a challenge. If I said, 'that's you', they'd repeat, 'that's you'. If I said, 'me' they would still say 'you'. I've never went over this with Ali and she knows 'me' ... well, it sounds more like 'my'. Regardless, isn't she clever?? Says the bragging mother!

Half way through the video she tries to come over to my side as she loves to look through the camera and pretend to take photos. She also kisses herself at one point when I flip the viewer which hangs off the left side of the camera. She's clever and vain! ;-)