Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sept 9 Intro

Had to put today's photos onto a blog as there are so many things worth commenting on. We had a really slow start to the day. Last night Curt and I went to Rav's surprise 40th birthday party so were extra tired this am. The kids were also tired after staying up until 11pm last night after going to the Solymar carnival with their babysitter, Brigi, her brother, Kriszt, Linda, Riley, Liam and Keira. Curt went out to pick up Indian food for lunch and also to drop by John's hospital to drop off some essentials that he needed. He's spending a month in the chemo bubble but just got the best news today - the chemo has worked and their is no more sign of his cancer! He called me and we both broke into tears over this amazing result.

I'm absolutely rambling. After Ali's super long nap (3 hours) and our fantastic lunch we got ready for our long hike. Why does getting ready with little ones take so long? Mia had to try on 4 pairs of shoes before we found a pair (her rain boots) that fit. She does have 3 new pairs for school but it was too muddy to wear these in the field. She would have chose flip flops if I let her but on this 20 degrees C (in the sun) day I thought that was ridiculous. Why do their feet grow so fast?!!

Back to the topic. After the getting dressed up and shoes on ordeal, we were ready for an expedition. We packed apples and pears for the horses that are kept out in the field near Echo Church. We call it Echo Church and I'll explain why in a minute. Our journey took 2 hours and here are the photos to show how incredibly fun it was.