Saturday, November 24, 2007

Long Day Followed by Strange Snack

What a crazy busy day in the Clements' home today! We started the day with Keira at 7am who was the first to wake up. Keira came and slept over our house while Terence went over to spend the night with Keira's big brother, Liam. After Keira, Ali woke up. First she played in her crib for about 20 minutes. I could here her playing and then finally she got bored and started shouting, "Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" Sometimes if I don't wake up or come up quickly enough she tries shouting, "Dada! Dada! Dada!" Sometimes Blue (our 2 year old Border Collie) is the first one up to her room. I always hear her get excited and shout "BOO!" when he comes in. Or, if Mickey (our 10 year old cat) goes in she shouts "Chee Chee!"

At about 8:20am I had to wake up Mia and Curt because we were getting picked up for dance at 8:45am. It starts at 9:15am.

After dance (ended at 10:45am), we ran home to change from our dance clothes and went to Brigi and Marcsi's home. The girls were going with them to watch Peter Pan on Ice. There was a group of 10 of them going in the nursery school bus. Mia and Ali were so excited. Keira was amongst their friends that were going in the group.

While the girls went to the show, we took Terence to the BISB (British International School of Budapest) for their annual holiday bazaar. It was a great time and Terence got to visit Father Christmas (how the Brits call him). Terence had to report to Santa what he and his sisters want for Christmas. The list is as follows: Terence - Wii and a skateboard; Mia - a dollhouse; Ali - a baby doll named Chou Chou (also name of her little boyfriend at school - this must be why she screams and shouts with joy every time the commercial comes on!) Terence came out of Santa's Grotto and told us that Santa sounded different this year. I asked why and he said his voice sounds familiar. I asked who he sounded like and he answered, "Like Charlie and Harry Cooper's dad's voice" Oops! We acted very surprised, of course!

After the BISB we surprised Terence with a visit to Challenge Land. I didn't have our camera with us but I've posted other pictures of Challenge Land before. Terence loves the place and managed a much tougher course this time. He was great! He especially loved having both Curt's and my attention!

We stopped and picked up ribs and chicken wings from Normafa Cafe and came home to build a huge fire, watch a movie and wait for the girls to return home.

After the girls ate, Mia asked for the following snack which I found very, very funny!

2 pieces of toast - 1 with avocado (she loves avocado) and the other with not peanut butter AND jelly but 1/2 peanut butter and 1/2 jelly. She is too much!