Friday, February 8, 2008

Terence's Traumatic Day

Yesterday Terence and Mia finished school at 3pm (regular time as they had no after school activities). Ali was to be expected at home at 3:30pm as she gets driven by the director of her school on their little nursery school bus.

As parking is hard at the school unless you get there 15 minutes early, I parked across the street. The school is on Mariaremete which is a busy 2 lane road in district 2A. There was a huge opening in traffic so Terence, Mia and I ran across the street to where my car was parked. As I was getting Mia in the car, Terence was walking around the front of the car. He got near the street when I noticed him and shouted to him to be careful. At the same time a huge bus was roaring near and beeped at him. It looked like he was in one of his daydreaming moods and just not paying attention. It gave us all a huge fright. I still am not sure if Terence would have walked out into the street or just to the curb. Regardless, it was too close for comfort. Initially, after the bus had passed and he walked back to where we were, I yelled at him. I was very angry at his absent-mindedness and told him that I would expect that from Ali but not him.... etc, etc, etc. We both then started crying. It was a really good scare!

Once safe at home we had a long cuddle and I told him that even getting near a busy street is dangerous as a driver can easily sway off the road if they aren't paying close attention. After our cuddle he went up to his room. I went up to check on him and asked him if he wanted to talk more about it or if he needed some time alone. He said he needed some time alone.

When I went up to check on him 15 minutes later, I found him sound asleep. Terence absolutely NEVER naps. Even if he's had little sleep and really needs it. I especially think it was sweet that he fell asleep with his legs up in the air. The day's drama obviously took it out of him...