Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ali vs the Lipgloss

Don't be scared by this next photo. After I wrote my post yesterday about Ali never getting out of her own bed until one of us go up to get her, guess what happened?! After her afternoon nap yesterday, she found Mia's little purse on the nightstand next to the bed. Inside was one of Mia's lipglosses. It actually could have been one of mine as Mia steals mine and hides them around her room all the time! Anyhow, Ali decided to try applying the lipgloss to her... entire face and head!! It looks like she'd been gooped by one of the Ghostbusters! I was shocked and I think that is why she looks so sad here. She expected to be greeted with a positive response and when I said, "Oh Ali! What have you done?!" She just pouted. Couldn't believe it.... Oh, forgot to say that she came down the stairs (probably to show me her work) by herself after her nap and make-up session yesterday afternoon.
FYI - it took 3 shampoos until her hair no longer was sticky, greasy, gooey!