Friday, March 21, 2008

Home At Last

Curt arrived this morning shortly after 7am!

Mia actually woke up about 10 minutes before 7am offering to help me cook breakfast (they always get a hot breakfast - something my mom used to do for us and something I believe strongly in). She was funny when she woke up as she started to tell me about her dream. I'm trying to remember how it went. It was something like, "Mommy, I had a dream about beautiful hair styles." Then, her story jumped around a bit so don't think it's my bad memory but this is really how she explained her dream, "Mate from school and I had to pick out jewelry for Judit" (Judit is their Hungarian teacher and Mate is a French boy in her class) "I was a mermaid and so was Mate. We were swimming and had mermaid tails. I was the queen mermaid." She seemed very happy about her dream. I think this explains a lot about what goes on in Mia's head...

Terence woke up at about 7am which is very unusual as he is our child that is impossible to wake up in the morning. On weekends,when we have no morning programs, he can sleep until 10am. Curt and I always say he's like a teenager when it comes to sleep. He came down the stairs rubbing his eyes this morning asking if dad was home yet. I said he'd probably be home any minute. We had a long cuddle (he only cuddles now when he first wakes up or in bed when he's going to bed so I treasure these times) and I got the porridge going on the stove. Suddenly we heard all the dogs outside going nuts. We'd just let them out a little while earlier as they always want to go out and do their business first thing in the a.m. They weren't barking but whimpering. Especially Blue who sounds like a pig squealing when he is excited. The 3 of us (Ali was still asleep) all ran to the door and found Curt lugging in his heavy suitcases. 'DADA!!!' The kids were shouting and jumping up and down with excitement. The screams woke Ali who shouted from her bedroom 'Dada!?!?' Even though she's been in a bed since she was about 19 months old she still doesn't get out of it alone. She hollers out for someone (usually me) and waits for us to come up and get her.

Ali's nursery school is on break today, Monday and Tuesday so she gets to stay home but Terence and Mia had to go on their way to school. Curt handed out some presents (lots and lots of DVDs) and volunteered to drive them to school this morning. They knew he was going to take the day off of work so they were ok about saying good-bye knowing that they'd be seeing him again at 3pm. Ali, on the other hand, hasn't let Curt out of her site. He's now in the shower and she is in there jibber jabbering away to him.

It's 9am now and he will take a short nap so he can make it through the day. We actually have dinner plans tonight. Poor guy! And, tomorrow night! Then Sunday is Easter with friends. Another typical Clements weekend. Always non-stop!

After school we will take Terence and Mia to their first day of swimming lessons with their new instructor. They will be taking lessons together 2 days a week for the next 3 months. Terence took lessons all last summer and is a great swimmer. Mia, who has never taken lessons, is a natural fish (she even dreams about swimming!) and has been swimming bravely without arm bands since the age of 3. It will be interesting to see how she does with an instructor.

It's so nice to have my family back together again!

Wishing you and your family a very Hoppin' Easter!