Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Our son, Terence, is absolutely addicted to Monopoly. Santa brought it for our family and he loves it. We played twice this weekend and I had to end it early each time as I had to get to other things (i.e. Mia and Ali). On Saturday we played for 2 hours but on Sunday we played for about 4 hours! I had to sell my houses twice as he was just clever at buying and purchasing houses and even hotels!

The funniest is he saves his one 1,000 GBP note for Knightsbridge every time. It's his strategy. Knightsbridge is the most expensive property right before GO. I landed on it twice and was almost in bankruptcy but managed to just barely survive... It's so fun to play these board games with him. It's even more fun to see how well he does at them!