Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More Good School News

Last night Terence brought home this week's school lunch menu. He pulled it out while I was cooking dinner and told me that his teacher, Celine, told him to practice reading it. This is where I'm useless at helping him as I cannot pronounce French words properly. Even if I tried I do not want him learning to pronounce anything French from me as it wouldn't be correct.

So, I told him to start practicing and when I had a minute I would sit with him to listen. He practiced by slowly sounding out the words and reading them out loud. When I sat with him finally, he told me that he and Julia (from his 1st Grade class) were chosen to read to the Kindergarten kids the following day. I know Julia is very smart so I worried as Terence is really struggling with reading and writing... and speaking for that matter! It's only his 2nd year at the French school and he hears French no where else outside of school! Wait, I take that back. He plays on a French football team on Saturdays. Anyhow, it's minimal...

We practiced and I thought he sounded okay. I knew he had trouble with a few words like mushroom which is really long and sounds like 'champion' but seems to have about 5 too many letters in it!

This morning when I dropped him off I wished him luck. He wasn't nervous to go to school like I thought he may be. Instead he was very excited as Tuesday is one of his favorite days as he has gym on Tuesdays (and Fridays) and he loves gym. He's also signed up for an extra hour of sport on Tuesdays after school (3-4pm) which he also thinks is great. When I picked him up at 4pm I didn't say anything as I wanted him to bring up the reading session. After we were on our way in the car he told me he did it without making any mistakes and Samuel (the K teacher) told him he did very well. He said that the best part was that when he read the dessert of the day 'Danette au Chocolat' (Sheila - did you know there was such a dessert with your name in it??) the entire class cheered with excitement. That must have been a nice way for him to end his menu reading. He said it was really funny.

Phew! So glad he did well. The last week has been great for his confidence!