Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Eastern European Marketing

I drive by this shop on my way to work. It's one of these types of shops that used to be all over Hungary when I first got here in the late-90s. The windows are filled with odd combinations of items - sometimes bras, sometimes car tires, sometimes fans, sometimes cleaning products...
Most of these style stores have disappeared but this particular one seems to still be in business. They must have bought the property a million years ago and are just holding onto it.
Last week while Curt and I were passing it (actually on a Saturday driving into the city) I looked over to see what they had in the window for sale. I first laughed that they had fans at this time of year. When I looked closer I saw they were at least marked on sale.

However, the sale prices were all different and if you can see from this close up, they varied from 33% to 35% to 36% off. What on earth?